
They are an interracial couple who was horribly mistreated by the British press.  And they also exaggerated this story. Both things can be true.

It feels like she’s being exploited another way... If not for her parent’s connection to the Orange Idiot, she’d just be another influencer in the crowd fighting for views.

I’m wondering how many of these “near collisions” involved their car.

How is she undignified? Is everyone in a bathing suit undignified, or just women?

Yeah, I guess available phd topics are getting thin because this entire thesis is completely half-baked. Teenagers’ takes on relationships and sexuality are an inexperienced, uneducated mess (making them great fodder for comedies) and to treat kids like they should be bringing a 35 year-old’s perspectives and understan

I repeat: I honestly didn’t think much about these scenes or any deeper implications they might hold. They’re cute and goofy, and I’m an adult woman who’s traded in high school crushes for a far less cute dating hell. But they certainly stuck out to Michele Meek, author of the new book Consent Culture and Teen Films:

Yeah, when I saw that entry all I could think was “wait, isn’t Billie Lourd an only child?”. I’m glad I wasn’t losing my mind.

Yeah, this. There are musicians/artists/filmmakers whose work I can acknowledge as technically excellent but just doesn’t connect with me- doesn’t mean it’s bad, just means that it’s not for me. That’s pretty much what seems to be going on here.

I think in this case she literally (heh) meant that his technique was excellent, and she would have liked it a lot more if she cared more about him. Which is fine, and a pretty good explanation for J-Lo taking him back.

Affleck the actor, eh, take him or leave him. Affleck the writer/director however, very talented.

I understand the “technically excellent” to mean that it was good or great, but that it just wasn’t going to be as good as it was with Pitt, with whom she apparently had some crazy chemistry and connection. Affleck could be the best lover ever, but having strong chemistry with another person, being in love, etc., are

Miller is a pedophile and an abuser. Fuck you for trying to defend them using mental illness as an excuse.

Also, “I know he made some mistakes.” Let’s not refer to choking someone as a “mistake.”

I mean, please do criminalize kidnapping and beating up servers in bars and clubs and that sort of thing though.

Yup. It’s embarassing watching this entire network of sites bend over backwards to help WB whitewash everything Miller’s done.

I remember the early fan reviews for Antman 3 and Shazam 2 were great and it turns out those films were crummy. This is just marketing 

Apparently all you need to do is identify as nonbinary and all your crimes get swept under the rug.

These early reviews are usually worthless, give a bad review and the odds are you won’t be invited back to do another. Also I don’t get why Gizmodo gets holier than thou with Harry Potter and JK Rowling, choosing not to cover that stuff and yet we’re getting a ton of Flash content starring a women abuser, child kidna

Fuck you for referring to Ezra Miller’s crimes as “tumultuous times” for him.

Maybe this means the pendulum is finally swinging the other way on the ridiculous, over the top American wedding culture with its cheesy matching bridesmaids dresses (doesn’t matter if the dresses are nice, the very concept of bridesmaids in matching dresses is fucking awful) and stupid labels on everything (bride,