
It’s not like she lives out in the country with no close neighbors, where the “she’s only endangering herself” argument might actually make sense. She’s on a quarter-acre in a densely developed part of the country. The fact she hasn’t damaged somebody else’s property or at least hit a utility line and knocked out

Yeah, addiction isn’t always a kiss of death, especially for the exceptionally talented. It even seems like Ezra Miller — who spent the last few years as a walking train wreck — will get a clean slate career-wise if The Flash does well. (Ugh.)

Didn’t she spend the better part of a decade wasted? I’m not making fun of her for being an addict, BUT I suspect that has more to do with her failure to secure work than whether she has kids or not. 

She’s a regular fascist, not a Christian fascist. No arranged marriages or broodmare status involved. 

Agreed. If the college wants to create a policy against intentional misgendering, fine. It’s an unkind thing to do that borders on hate speech. But violent? Nah. 

The Carrie Fisher item is wrong. Billie was talking about her aunts and uncle, Carrie’s siblings, not Billie’s own. Billie herself is an only child as far as I know. 

That’s not what she’s saying though? She’s saying she didn’t feel the same emotional connection to him that she did to Brad, not “eh, he’s fine but he doesn’t try.” 

No, see, it’s different. The bride is Not Like Other Brides. We know this because she said so.

I’m sure it was just great for Statton’s existing (and no doubt very young, given her age) children to watch their mother go through this trauma. But nobody walking on Earth matters: Only the holy contents of the womb.

I’m not talking about book collectors. I’m talking about your average person. Your average person is not spending $50 on a vintage edition of Matilda to ensure it’s their preferred text.

Yes, this. Also, I can imagine a small child stuck in a neglectful (when not actually abusive) family fantasizing about running away to be a sailor and explorer or ride elephants in an exotic land, problematic as those notions may seem to adults in 2023. I cannot imagine that same small child fantasizing about taking

How long will that be true for, though? Books do age and fall out of circulation. Not to mention, somebody buying Matilda for their niece is going to grab whatever’s on the shelves at Barnes & Noble or whatever comes up first on Amazon. They shouldn’t need to make a special effort to get the original version.

Even if that were true, it’s different. A lead playing a queen is in a much better position to negotiate out of sex scenes than a bit-part actor playing a sex worker. Esme was asking for a change to the fundamentals of her role.

While Beyoncé is nominally the artist behind every work, she is also the architect of the museum, caring for its archives, and thoughtfully curating and selecting everything that belongs inside.

Do you know how many Instagram followers Frances Fisher has? 41.6 thousand. The “lock” post got 260 likes. Every single one of those people would have needed to be an Academy voter for it to move the needle. 

That’s how I took it too. Like yes, cheating is bad, but the fact some dude most people have never heard of is cheating on his wife doesn’t seem worthy of national news attention. 

If it’s something like, “The trailer gave away the whole plot and then the movie got released the same weekend as Disneypalooza 4,” that’s fair enough. Shit happens, people like having explanations in an uncertain world, etc. But when your speculation involves blaming the audience in some way, that’s never going to go

I think four seasons for the main series would be about perfect, with an optional anthology or spin-off along the way,

Steve can retire but he still needs to show up for the 50th season of SNL, assuming the theory Lorne Michaels will retire after that landmark proves correct. He’s just such a mainstay of that show, and he was never even a cast member. 

I guess my question is, did she have to make it part of the book at all? If Ariana had been unkind to Jennette, okay, I’d say let it rip. But it’s not Ariana’s fault who her parents are or where she was born, and producers make inexplicable decisions about which actors can have time off for what all the time. I