
Interesting. I heard it from a theater vlogger on YouTube (@MickeyJoTheatre), and he generally seems to know what he’s talking about, so I didn’t have reason to question it. It’s definitely an odd choice to go with a Fanny who is an adequate but not exceptional singer.

Agreed. I can understand the argument that Brice was as much a comedienne as a singer and you don’t necessarily need to be a great singer to play the part ... but the part was written for Streisand, and this is the first time the show’s been staged on Boradway in 50+ years People who go to see it are expecting great

Calling Richard Feldstein an accountant is like calling Paul McCartney a musician. He’s a founding partner of NKSFB, which promotes itself as the largest business management firm in the country. His bio on their site says he specializes in “managing the business and financial affairs of high net worth and high net

Heh. Yup. To be fair I watched all five seasons of Glee and didn’t think Lea’s performance was ever the problem, so I’m not exactly an unbiased observer here.

Sure, but in America, it’s an ethnic blend that usually suggests olive skin and darker hair and eyes. Obviously no group is a monolith, outliers exist, etc. I just think liking to tan is a weird thing to be mad at Lea Michele about.

Has she ever claimed not to be? She’s Italian and Jewish: The weirder thing would be if she were super-pale. 

If the choice is a maybe-racist diva or a nepotism baby whose daddy bought her a role she couldn’t sing, I’m team diva. I’m sure Beanie is a perfectly lovely human being and I’ve liked her in movies, but it sounds like she just wasn’t a good fit for the role.

This is just straight-up child trafficking. These kids have been through enough; they and their families shouldn’t need to worry about them being scooped up and taken thousands of miles away before anyone realizes what’s going on.

It really feels like they saw healthy white kids in a dire situation and decided to try to scoop them up before anybody realized what was going on.

My dad was a couple months younger than Hurt (July vs. March 1950) and he died in January. Heart condition — he’d had a defibrillator for about 20 years, needed a bypass in December, and then had some complications. (Healthy guy otherwise, no lifestyle issues, just drew the short straw genetically.)

Does anybody else feel like the show makes Elizabeth Holmes too sympathetic? I get that she’s not a cackling move villain, but I was really put off by the way it treated Holmes’ decision to fake an important demonstration as being something where she was backed into a corner and almost immediately regretted it.

People have already covered the “Marilyn Manson is a festering sack of shit” angle, so I won’t add to that. But I’m also kind of mad at Jamie Bell that he made the move harder on Evan and Jack than it had to be. I get that he’s a working actor and likely needs to be in LA, but plenty of people with fewer means than he

I dunno. It doesn’t seem impossible, but I think this post has a link that shows “fuck the patriarchy” wasn’t a relatively common phrase until 2017 or so, so it’s unlikely Jake literally had it on a keychain in 2010. That said, it’s not like we know every product ever made. So who knows?

First: please proofread articles. “Hurdling”? “Swfitie”? Ugh.

I’m not sure I see how a Civil War would work when there’s not really a discrete geographic region that would want to break away. (There’s the deep south, of course, but they need federal money to function and they know it.) Otherwise, 100% agreed.

Exactly. And as far as I can tell, only one of the guys he shot even had a gun. (One of them threw a freaking plastic bag at him -- not exactly assault with a deadly weapon.) I get that he was jumpy because he was in a crowd where the mood was very much against him, but to me that just seems like further proof he

Ugh, probably. Wouldn’t shock me if Zimmerman/Rittenhouse 2040 was soon coming to a GOP ticket near you.

I don’t give a shit if Wal-Mart burns down either. The problem is, neither does Wal-Mart, really — they just pass whatever it costs to rebuild/replace the store on to customers, so we all end up paying for it. And the 300+ people that Wal-Mart probably employed? Yeah, best case is they’re on uninsurance for a while,

Fight the power, burn down Mom & Pop’s Diner and the only affordable housing within 20 miles.

This whole thing is such a shitshow and I’m terrified that whatever the verdict is, it’s going to lead to more senseless deaths and destruction. And meanwhile the judge will stay exactly where he is.