
Please don’t go to this kid’s Facebook and tell her to go kill herself or send her death threats. She did a terrible, evil thing and we all have to hope she one day regrets it and becomes a better person but comments and messages like that are not the way to go. If you have time to write those spend it sharing this

Even immediate family could be a risk, that’s what is so terrifying about this. I’d say “tell only one person, someone who is in a position to help you” and then hope for the best. If you get turned in at least you know who did it?

Feldstein was not a producer on the show. (This is easily googleable, and I’m not sure how it became a rumor in the first place. It’s hypothetically possible he was some kind of silent investor, but that would be a minor thing—it wouldn’t give you the power to dictate casting.)

What’s more, they put her opposite Ramin Karimloo, a Broadway and West End vet with one of the more powerful voices I’ve heard in person. There’s going to be a real imbalance in the show if he’s singing every night alongside someone who can’t hold their own with him. This is the danger in casting a non-Broadway actor

Jezzies should also save their breath about how progressive and inclusive they are given the abuse I am reading for Lea Michelle. This site can’t be happy unless there is a woman to drag.

LOL, you forgot account for GUNS N’ ROSES. You’re acting like he worked for H&R Block. And their brother was a manager for Maroon Five, which I’m sure was not at all related to dear daddy.

Calling Richard Feinstein just an accountant is misleading though. He’s not down at the H&R Block doing your taxes. He’s been business manager for huge musicians like Madonna and Maroon 5. That absolutely gives you sufficient resources and connections to have 30 legs up on your normal person.

Maybe she doesn’t want to risk sun damage so she uses self-tanner? Tanning isn’t inherently racist, seriously, chill the fuck out with the ridiculousness. This is about as dumb as Anne Frank trending on Twitter recently because people were arguing about whether or not she benefitted from white privilege. Proof that

They’re trying to save the production.

Is there no third option?

I do feel bad for Beanie, because it does seem like she was cast and everybody involved told her she was golden and doing great and then once the reviews hit they sort of left her standing with the bag. That’s a hard dose of perspective to get hit with all at once, all alone. There’s a reason why it’s rare to see the

I can’t stand Lea Michele but of all the things to bitch about her, a Jewish and Italian lady liking to be tan isn’t one of them. Ever been to the Mediterranean in summer? Spanish and Italian women have always loved to get very very tan, whether from lying in the sun or more recently from fake tanner. There’s nothing

Clearly Harper has not fully absorbed the glory that is Spice World. To wit: this scene/dialogue has been burned into my brain since 1999.

I mean, an entire production was shut down. People lost their jobs. It might be a little important.

You can’t really compare the two. The 70s were mostly scenery for That 70s Show. Love or hate the show, you have to admit it focused on it’s characters for the humor.

In this case, local broadcast television deserves a “good job.” The fact that it wound up on the Internet is kind of incidental, but I’ll take it, since being on Youtube means I don’t have to live in the Twin Cities to see it.

Interview protocol for children should be, “What’s your name, in case you become famous in the future?” 

Damn even kid Prince is still cooler than anyone alive

Thing with this, though, is that we’re certainly in an age marked by excessive spin and PR speak that makes everything seem overly staged and artificial. However, we’re also in an age where public apologies of this nature are scrutinised with a fine-tooth comb in order to ensure that they’re correct and include

Not that anyone should care, but I was surprised how much what happened and the aftermath rubbed me the wrong way. It felt like a high school watching a bullying jock beat up a smaller kid, cheering him on, then going to a party at his house later like nothing happened. To say nothing of the insane level of