
Most of life has a success rate of a “failing grade” though, doesn’t it? So focusing on a 22% rate may not be the best barometer there? What if the actual “save rate” would have been only 7 - 8%; he’d have saved 3x as many as would have turned it around before him spending time/money.

“Well, just shitholes in a prime position and taking advantage because they’re in a great location, and they’ve got the footfall.”

Of course, the real irony of all this would be if she actually didn’t want to go to the Oscars and was looking forward to vegging out on the sofa but just felt she had to be diplomatic / careful about it how she said that, and now all these people complaining on her behalf has just completely ruined her evening.

We are grown-ass women in our late 30s, people. I said, no, you won’t, no one sleeps in my bed besides me and the occasional man I bring home.”

I use Neufchâtel more than cream cheese when I make my cheesecakes. I just love doing things different.

On a Seattle-Boston flight, I once had the pleasure of a seat-mate who thought tuna & raw onion sandwiches were appropriate airplane food. She was quite generous, offering me one of the three she’d brought along.

It may turn out that this is technically more the studio’s fault than the Academy’s, but I’m near-certain that the famous white guy stars of BP nominees who weren’t individually nominated, like DiCaprio, Cooper, or Chalamet, will be there (and likely the ones in breakout roles, like Hoffman and Hill).

Even if there is

On a somewhat unrelated note, I much prefer “latine” to “Latinx”.

Rule #1 - don’t bring foods that make your fellow travelers suffer with your choices.

I think the star ingredient in the Szechuan sauce is ginger, but the vague “spice” may also play a role. And oddly, the Sweet and Sour has soy sauce as a listed ingredient. The Szechuan doesn’t.

To be fair, in 1998, none of you people knew the szechuan peppercorn with it’s numbing spice was the actual signature of Szechuan food.

When a fan commented on her Instagram “Can’t wait to see what you’ll be wearing on Oscar night,” Zegler revealed that she won’t be attending the ceremony. She wrote, “I’m not invited so sweatpants and my boyfriend’s flannel.”

Actually, after doing more research it looks like it is normal practice to NOT invite anyone who wasn’t an individually named nominee. Even the lead of a nominated film.

1) How the hell do you not invite the star of a movie nominated for Best Picture, and 2) Are we really saying that Steven Freaking Spielberg can’t make one phone call and get this remedied immediately? 

Dude can’t just admit to making a bad movie. It’s like he’s almost there, but then does the whole “audiences like women to be nice in their movies” bit. Like, really? They do, huh? You get this data from the poll you conducted in your own head? We surveyed 10 men and they unanimously decided that women in movies

Exactly. It’s like how people are always surprised to learn that Benjamin Franklin lived to 84. And Thomas Jefferson 83. And John Adams 90. Yes, the life expectancy in their generation was around 40, but this didn’t mean people fell over dead at 40 — it was the terrible infant mortality plus the increased chances of

Dear GOD, don’t waste any more of your precious, dwindling moments on the AV Club!!!

I’ve thought about this a bit too. From reading Bad Blood, it seems like the strategy (which, sadly, worked) was to get a bunch of finance heavy hitters and not really any scientists at a leadership level. Most finance people would probably glaze over 15 seconds into a science presentation and couldn’t vet the

Exactly. A goal isn’t really a “good idea.” An idea is a path to realizing that goal.

Exactly. Many people don’t understand that the key part of this story is that her idea was impossible. She could’ve attempted to build a time machine or a faster-than-light drive with the same results. People who told her it was impossible, got fired on the spot. She lied to investors, forged documents, people who