
These comments are similar to people saying the underage groupies who became famous because of the grown ass musicians who slept with them knew exactly what they were doing. Physically they may have known but mentally they surely did not. They were not mentally mature enough to understand the gravity of what they were

Thank you for this. These comments are making me sick. She discusses her rape as a child in her book (by a teenage neighbor). Her mom helped her get into porn. This is not some mastermind, she is an abuse victim.

Oh yeah. Lords was a victim who was lucky enough to escape alive. The fact that almost 40 years later society still wants to hang a “little slut who fooled us” sign on her says volumes.

Exactly. Also, was she not... trying... to be sexy when she posted the bikini pics? She was alone in her bedroom, not out at a pool. Absolutely we should all get to do what we want with our bodies and clothing, but you don’t get to pose alluringly (well, if you count duck lips as alluring) in a white string bikini and

I follow her on tiktok and she has been worryingly open about her mental health issues — or rather, her mental health issues are worrying, and putting them on social media when she has almost 600k followers is also worrying. She also posts thirst traps more often than I’m personally comfortable with, considering she’s

it feels like we’re on totally different wavelengths and planets

I’ve been preaching the trolley car problem as a way to circumvent abortion discussions to get through to republican women. Yes Biden is in favor of a woman’s right to choose and Trump isn't, but think about how much more good will be done and lives will be saved if Biden is elected.  I throw in some points about evil

Abortion being a cornerstone of “conservative” beliefs in America is a relatively recent thing. It was a thing that was literally astroturfed.

I think many traditions also maintain hard lines in public vs. private life. So it isn’t even JUST that sex=sinful, it’s that publicly expressing an alternative view is itself the biggest sin.

I used to work with a man who didn’t pursue his dream job because someone told him circa 1990 or so that as a White Man he was going to be passed over because of all the diversity quotas in the field. So he went into IT. (His dream job is filled with white guys his age as of 2020)

So in his mind, governmental acts

Maybe talking about abortion is just seen as more socially acceptable than taxes and racism.

It was the lamest group meeting I’ve ever been to in my life, and I’ve been to some utter clunkers in my professional career. A group of supposed adults essentially panting to turn over control of their lives to the pastor under the rubric of Jesus. For reasons that are too tedious to go into here, the pastor had

Honestly, I don’t think it’s abortion as much as we think it is. I feel like we overestimate the religiousness of the suburbs, but I don’t have any data on that, just my supposition based on my experience there. I think it’s race. Democrats are associated with the racial justice narrative and for suburban white women

A girl I went to high school with who is smart and pretty liberal minded (fine with gay marriage, fine with universal healthcare, largely fine with social programs) votes republican pretty much solely on the abortion/religious liberty aspect. They only way I have been able to dent her thinking (beyond Trump’s abysmal

Yes, the one-issue voter. We had (and likely still do have) those in Canada, too, and for the same reason (abortion). I think I was one in my youth. The problem is it’s (inherently) narrow-minded. Here’s one thing you believe in, and a whole pile of related and unrelated things you don’t believe in... choose the one

Aside from that, I think they also have a fatal flaw that many voters have. They aren’t voting with the thought “This candidate/bill/measure is what is best for the country” but rather how it would impact them and their immediate family. The idea that their kids could possibly not bet all the opportunities because

Yes! Similarly, as a white woman I feel like I’m speaking into a void when I try to appeal to the sensibilities of white women who vote for Republicans. The ones I know in my personal life seem really obsessed with the notion that everyone must “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” It’s their reasoning for why

I agree with this. Fundamentalists tend to understand community and helping others and humility, whereas evangelicals are more likely to believe that godliness is tied with success, so that those who are not well off and need help are sinners. 

It’s always been a problem that conservatives view abortion as being about the spark of life that may or may not occur at conception, while liberals view it as being about a woman’s bodily autonomy. It’s simply not the same concept being argued by either side, and you can’t change a “spark of life” person’s mind by

Anyway, I don’t know how we get beyond this. I’ve been trying to tell more liberal people, that the media, with the death of the Fairness Doctrine and rise of the Internet, we can essentially choose the reality in which we live.