
I think there’s truth to this. Abortion is a roadblock for a lot of “Christian/values” voters. But your comment different wavelengths and planets is totally true. I’m not sure liberals get this. My extended family are Christian Fundamentalists and Mega-Church Evangelicals. In particular, the Mega-Church peeps live in

A long-ass time ago, I stumbled upon a long series of accounts from planned parenthood staff (and unfortunately, I don’t have the link anymore), and a common anecdote was the daughter of picketers... or sometimes the picketers themselves coming in for an abortion, and then going right back to the picket line. I recall

The problem is that the opposition to abortion you’re talking about is bound up tight with a lot very deep emotions about sexuality and shame - especially for white women who belong to evangelical/traditional white Christian churches, where the theology is driven by terror of eternal damnation. And those churches have

I couldn't potty train my son, and on the first day of special needs PreK they had him trying the toilet. Special Ed teachers and OTs are wizards!

I’m on the spectrum myself and I find it infinitely condescending to reduce me to a bunch of my interests (which don’t have any age restrictions) and infantalizing euphemisms like the other commenter suggests- not to mention it doesn’t actually convey any useful information on what to expect him to communicate with

The focus of the story is the bleach treatments and how some parents of children who are not neurotypical go to extreme lengths.

For more on the scores of people misusing bleach, there are several episodes available from the Behind the Bastards podcast. If dark comedy is your thing, you’ll laugh as you learn more than you’ve ever wanted to know about bleach and the human body.

How should it have been phrased? The sentence “Joshua has the mental development of an elementary school-aged boy.” gives me a good idea of the challenges Joshua (and his caregivers) face, how would you word it to get the same idea across?

[Humble] claims MMS is a cure-all

So we can officially declare social media a mistake now, right? Like the verdict is in?

Ploughman’s lunch, cheese and pickle sandwiches & steak and ale pie were the 3 things I took home with me from England that have stayed in regular rotation. I’m fancy af.

I’ve seen it. There’s no excuse for feeding your kids bleach.

Honestly I feel like he was winning the PR wars before this! People (not even just MRAs! I’ve seen some very non-MRA types post this!) either see him as a victim of an eeeeevil women and entirely forget that he never actually debunked her allegations or they shrug and go “wow this was a mutually abusive relationship

Which further begs the question why Depp did this at all. People were forgetting about this story (except the MRA’s who are convinced Depp is yet another in a long line of men who prove that Men actually have it harder than women), and he was gonna keep getting work. Why bring it up at all if, best case scenario,

Oh please that’s nothing. I regularly tip 400%. Anything less is pure unadulterated selfishness. 

“The government has no place in telling a private business how it should conduct itself. It should be allowed to enforce its policies and meet the demands of a free and open market”

If Right-Wing dipshits are supposedly being silenced online, how come they never, ever shut the fuck up?

I think Chris Evans seems pretty smart. I would add Jason Momoa to the list, though!

Question is...did the band do any research to see if anyone might already be using the name? Because it sounds like “Oh shit...we better do something about the name. Fuck it, we’ll just be Lady A now. Done!”

Which — and I’ve been a mom for 10 years now and have the special needs kid gold star, so I get to say this — is just absurd, I’m sorry. Yes, being a mom is relentless, important work. And yes, motherhood was disregarded and devalued by the patriarchy for waaaay too long.