
Honestly, it was just a correction/comment, with no greater point intended. Kind of like if you said “We don’t know if the moon is made of green cheese” and I said “yes we do, we’ve been there and it’s made of rocks.” One of my bad habits is correcting people about details when they’re trying to make a larger point;

I dunno, I think Gwynnie is kind of a genius entrepreneur with this stuff. If even one person sees a dumb story about the Kourtneygasm candle, goes to the Goop website to laugh, and ends up spending a hundred bucks on supplements or vaginal eggs or whatever, the company’s more than made back the cost of the stunt. I’m

Not just a social media presence, also an actual media presence. You couldn’t look at a gossip website without seeing 500 pictures of Courtney posed provocatively in as little clothing as they could wear without violating public indecency laws. And from the context, it was obvious they were tipping off paparazzi so

That’s not what I said at all? You said, “we don’t know if she may have somehow felt intimidated (or yes turned on),” and I was pointing out that we do know, and she was turned on by it. But her personal issues/kinks/whatever in no way excuse Clinton’s decision to think with his dick, let alone the media response to

We do know, actually. She was turned on by his position. She made a joke about wanting to get her “presidential kneepads” before she even met him. Intimidation might have been in there, but it doesn’t seem to have been a major motivator.

Also that! It’s basically the same joke as the Californians — extreme forms of slang or dialect sound goofy. Not a comedy masterpiece but I don’t really expect those from SNL.

I have to ask if the people on Twitter complaining about the “AAVE” in the Gen Z hospital sketch have ever spent, like, 15 minutes with any random teenager. I live with one and that sketch was an only slightly exaggerated take on the way she and her friends talk. It’s not even drawn exclusively from black culture at

So, Caitlyn started with Burt and Cassandra/Casey from his first wife. Then her second wife had the other two B-boys, and then of course Kendall and Kylie with Kris.

Seems like the main issue here is a supply/demand imbalance. There are a lot more people who want to buy affordable, attractive, good-quality secondhand clothes than there are people who donate attractive, good-quality things. Add in that people who make a business out of clothing resale are a lot more likely to be sco

I don’t mind “look at this cute baby,” but the hype gets annoying. Most babies are cute and funny; you don’t have to turn it into a competition by saying Kaavia is somehow the best. I also worry about what it does to those kids when they’re a little older and not so cute anymore.

So this should definitely be researched, but I’m not worried. My thing is, a whole whole lot of people get periods. (Duh.) Periods are also notoriously finicky bitches that can be late or weird for a whole range of reasons, or no reason at all. Combine those two things, and a whole lot of people are going to have

That makes sense, thanks!

I think Melissa is a talented performer but this maybe isn’t her forum. That isn’t a knock on her — people from Jenny Slate to Sarah Silverman to Casey Wilson have had the same issue. But after five seasons, they should either figure out what to do with her or let her go.

Congrats to Thandiwe on feeling ready to take this long-overdue step. My one question is how you pronounce her given name. I always heard Thandie was like Tandy, but Google says Thandiwe is supposed to be more like Tandy-way —does she also want the correct pronunciation (which would be entirely understandable), or is “

Honestly? In the 90s, most people figured that it had been investigated, he wasn’t charged, and that was just about that. The general opinion was that hooking up with Soon Yi was scuzzy and it made him a punchline for a while, but Dylan’s accusations were seen as a particularly tragic ploy during a bad breakup. Which

It’s truly disgusting. I’m grateful it’s so ad-infested as to be basically unreadable, because trying to scan it is bad for my blood pressure.

Honestly, I like the anti-gossip approach. People shouldn’t give up their privacy just because they sing or act or look good in a swimsuit, or because of who their parents were. If somebody’s abusive or a criminal, okay, that’s valid news, but if it’s just “she’s put on weight” or “he broke up with his girlfriend,”

True. But if they end up doing an interview every year about how much they want to be left alone, I’m going to call shenanigans.

Possibly unpopular opinion, but I’m in full Harry and Meghan overload. If they want to quit being working royals and live a quiet life, okay — the standards royals have to meet are stifling, and the UK press was awful and racist toward Meghan. But if you want to be private and avoid the media, going on Oprah with a

What makes the joke pop for me is that she gives Miette such an overdramatic and vaguely French speaking style. If Miette said, “Did you just kick me like a football? You should go to jail for a thousand years!” the joke wouldn’t have worked nearly as well.