
I didn’t know those places took kids as young as eight. That’s a baby. I would hesitate before sending a kid to summer camp that young, and a whole bunch of adults agreed a troubled teen center was the best place for Kayla Smith? I’m sure it was an extreme situation, but wow.

I have to admit, alarm bells went off for me when I saw that the boyfriend is 12 years younger and seems like a generic LA model/actor/trainer guy. Of course love is unpredictable, some people make it work with a much bigger age gap, blah de blah, but it’s also easy to see how Britney might be vulnerable to someone

Right, because calling Jamie Spears a dick on social media is going to change the state’s opinion and NOT make Sam Asghari look like an immature jerk who’s just mad he can’t get at Britney’s money. Genius plan.

Yeah, that’s what I was trying to get at. I’m not saying I think her dad should get a parent of the year award, but he doesn’t seem to be in it for the money. 

I dunno, I just personally think there are better ways to deal with family disputes than calling the other party names on social media. Like, you’re all adults, fucking pick up the phone and work it out, or if you can’t just keep it to yourself. You don’t need to tell everyone with an internet connection about it.

Genuine question -- was she complaining about him before she started dating Sam? I’m just suspicious of the timing here and whether this is really coming from Britney.

Ugh, the cringe on that is just extreme. I don’t know what options Sam has, but calling your partner’s parent a dick on social media is basically never going to be a choice I endorse. 

Honestly this feels a lot like Britney’s dad doesn’t like her boyfriend and vice versa, and they’re fighting it out in public using Britney’s conservatorship as a proxy. Which is just sad. Britney deserves better than either of them.

What I don’t understand is how her scalp isn’t itching from the sweat, dead skin, and new growth building up under the glue. It just seems like it would be incredibly uncomfortable.

Wait, you’re saying advertising doesn’t tend to be the most challenging content?

Let me put it this way: I think the Free Britney movement is at least as organic as the people who swarm you on social media if you whisper “Michael Jackson was a pedophile.”

... yeah, why would she do that?

“She can make millions but not care for herself” is such bad logic, though. The skills it takes to perform for 90 minutes are different from the skills it takes to get through daily life. Just look at all the performers who kept working through devastating addictions. Or for that matter, look at Howard Hughes. Successf

I don’t think your position is completely unreasonable either, but I’m skeptical that anything much would have leaked that Britney didn’t want to get out. There’s a lot of legal protection for private health information; additionally, celebrities tend to use NDAs liberally. If Chadwick Boseman could keep his cancer

Oh yeah, I don’t mean to say I don’t think she needs the conservatorship. Occam’s razor is that she does — if it were as easy to get one instituted and upheld as half the internet seems to think, it would be the go-to for every rich family with an relative they couldn’t control. The fact it’s so enormously rare

The other thing wrong with this ad is that Gavin Rossdale is English, so the whole premise of Gwen saying she wants a guy from another country is kind of weird. Obviously whoever wrote this ad was going for the joke and didn’t expect us to think about it too hard.

My new conspiracy theory is that Britney Spears’ people are guiding this whole Framing Britney/#FreeBritney phenomenon. Not to say she wasn’t treated unfairly and doesn’t deserve better — she very much was, and of course she does — but the way it’s all SO positive for her and all the voices make the exact same points?

Thinking extremely clearly about how to keep as much influence as possible while avoiding criticism or confrontations she can’t win, yep. Thinking clearly about things like morality, not so much. 

Maybe if she wasn’t thinking clearly? Because if she thought for even a second, she’d realize that a parent who publishes a photo of their topless child looks a lot worse than a teenager who takes said topless photo.

The only reason I can think of for her to have the photo is if she thought of it as evidence? Like she might want to show it to somebody as a demonstration of what Claudia was doing online. Granted there are MUCH better ways to deal with your kid sending nudes but we’ve already established that Kellyanne isn’t a