
Until this week, I thought the Conways were all in on a grift together to play all the sides — Kellyanne the Trump loyalist, George the never Trumper, Claudia the young liberal. I figured the fighting was just for show, and then once Trump left office they would parlay the internet celebrity into a reality show or a

I would say “if Arkansas votes for that, they deserve it” but that would mean ignoring the fact that the marginalized people who would suffer the most under Governor Sanders probably wouldn’t vote for her.

My queer 13-year-old considers herself FAR too sophisticated for Jojo Siwa (insert eyeroll here), but we had a nice bonding moment over how nice it is to see her happy about being true to herself.

Yeah, I think she’s said her parents did it on purpose. Which ... as jokey names go, being named for Shakespeare’s wife is pretty not bad. 

But Charlie’s real name is Carlos, and Carlos Estevez sounds totally reasonable. It just doesn’t sound white.

I agree, the Magary piece is very good. I’d forgotten how much the objectification of women and gay jokes were routine even eight or 10 years ago. I’m sure eventually there will be a backlash and a return to that kind of intentionally offensive too-cool-for-the-room humor, but I’m enjoying its current hiatus.

Yeah, I still think he’s a dick who brought a lot of this on himself by arguing with the initial wave of outrage. If he had deleted it and posted something like, “The story I posted about my daughter was exaggerated for effect, and I’m sorry it brought back bad memories for so many,” the whole thing would have blown

I’ve been on Twitter since 2008 and definitely read those tweets as a style of intentionally offensive humor that was common back then but is pretty much dead now. (And probably for the best.) James Gunn’s “pedo” tweets were another artifact of that era.

Not arguing with you in general, but it seems like EVERY city is “one of the top places for human trafficking.” I’ve seen it said about everywhere from Houston to Detroit to Seattle. I assume it’s more something anti-trafficking groups like to say to drum up donations than something backed by evidence. 

It’s infuriating. Basically they rebranded all teen prostitution as sex trafficking, because I guess the idea some 15-year-olds need to have sex for money so they can eat isn’t scary or depressing enough, and now all these Karens are convinced every Home Depot is teeming with sex traffickers who want to steal their

I don’t understand how Texas can sue over how other states conduct their elections. Is the answer, “They can’t, but this is just a publicity stunt anyhow”?

I think she has to have known it was a term applied to black women, even if she didn’t know it was a slur or how offensive it was.

Eh. Charles is the WORST (in so many ways), but like Diana said, there were three of them in the marriage and they all helped cause the drama. I don’t see Charles as a villain so much as a very weak man who was spoiled all his life. 

It’s messy! My general feeling is that Charles and Camilla, whatever their individual faults, are clearly right for each other, they’ve been together on and off for almost 50 years, and whatever acts of infidelity they committed decades ago should be left in the past. I also think that it’s kind of obnoxious to go on

Excuse you, I’m Vice President of the Committee on the Proper Way to Tuck in a Shirt. Our one and only rule is not to stick your hands down your pants in front of a stranger with a camera. 

Fair points. Just to clarify, I didn’t mean that xenophobia doesn’t exist (obviously it does) but that it’s seen as rude to confront someone about their cultural beliefs or practices. If somebody says, “this is a fast day for my religion,” you’re supposed to smile and nod, not tell them how stupid you think the

And yet, somehow most men find that happy medium between “won’t talk to a woman alone” and “lies down and sticks hands down pants in front of near-stranger.” That was a damn weird way to tuck in a shirt.

Yeah, I’ve never watched the Ali G Show. Maybe I’d like that better. But in general, I don’t like gotcha humor. 

My thing with Borat is that I don’t think he really demonstrates anything about bigotry — he demonstrates that if confronted with what seems to be a foreigner saying something bizarre, most Americans will go along with it to be polite. First, we have it drilled into our heads from early childhood to respect the

It’s weird to think about anyone but Bette Midler, Diane Keaton and Goldie Hawn in First Wives Club. You can’t really swap Sarandon in for any of them. I’m guessing she was probably up for the role Midler ended up playing, but who knows?