
But Diana was 18 and had very little formal education, and had obviously been scarred by her parents’ divorce. I’m not on the “poor Diana” train either, but she wasn’t exactly in a position to make a responsible choice about marriage no matter who her family was.

You may not be wrong, but ewwwww. Breakfast doesn’t need brown gravy.

See, I thought of jackfruit because I’ve seen it in cooking blogs, but the fact Kelly is polling us about it suggests she thinks it’s something people would recognize? IDK.

This is sick, but I’m excited for the documentary. The tale of DeeDee and Gypsy Rose has everything I like in true crime, in that it’s nicely bizarre and the victim deserved what was coming to her.

Good guess.

I would have guessed pulled pork with cheese on top, but that’s not vegetarian.

let’s not be so quick to dismiss the possibility that her special is historically terrible.

I pretty much figured this was going on when I saw Fox News gleefully reporting that her special was getting low ratings. It’s not a secret that online communities organize to rig ratings, or that some trolls really dislike Amy Schumer.

I see where you’re coming from, but she’s still only 20. An incredibly bright and precocious 20, but it’s still really young to write off somebody’s entire career. She still has plenty of time to do deeper things.

Nothing, but it's a lot cheaper than Brooklyn & probably has better public schools. That said, if the show lets her stay in Brooklyn I'd be all for it. (Even if I hope she & Elijah can mend fences.)

Thank you, that's what I was trying to get at. Kids get SO HAPPY about the littlest things, and they generally tell you want they want as best they can. Sometimes it's frustrating, but it's never hard in the way that, say, navigating office politics or setting a monthly budget or planning for retirement is. And it's

Yeah, I was trying to express agreement with the character and ended up insulting childcare workers. That was dumb of me; I should have made my point differently.

No, the list was really superficial. I agree if she's serious about having the child she'll need to think more seriously about how she'll afford it.

Oh, yeah, I agree it'll be stressful. But what's causing the stress is grown-up things like money, not the baby itself. Possibly I'm splitting a hair.

It seems like they could only get Riz Ahmed for one episode and this is how they decided to cover for it. Kinda dumb, IMHO. He's not the steadiest guy, but there's no reason to think he would consciously choose to be a total deadbeat.

I actually thought the actress had a point. Kids are straightforward — feed them, keep them clean, don't let them play in traffic. I'm a mother myself and would never insult parenting, but there's a reason beyond sexism that childcare is considered low-skilled work.

I think she'll do fine. She's not some flawless paragon of maternity, but she'll love the kid and probably won't forget it in a truck stop bathroom or anything. I also think Paul-Louis might step up more than she's giving him credit for, even if he's never going to be around day to day,

Great given what she has to work with. Grading on a curve, here.

I mean, she looks great, but it’s flat-out bizarre that somebody who intentionally enabled child abuse gets to have a reality show about how hot (or not) she is.

From the fact she says “it’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image” and her haircut in the photo, that has to be from when she was 20 or so. We’d all look pretty dumb if random comments from when we were 20 were on memes all over the internet.