
And from what i’ve seen, she seems really matter-of-fact about her mom’s history. She doesn’t play the victim, but she also doesn’t try to hide it. It just is. I’m curious how she got there too.

A few comments down there is a link to a long Reddit thread that answers your questions. Might not hurt to take a look.

I’ve come around to believing Caylee’s death was accidental, either via an overdose of a sedative like Benadryl or (more likely) via drowning. But “accidental” chloroform? Come on.

Ugh, I know. The universe is so unfair.

This is so freaking dumb. He should wrestle in the boys’ division; if Texas won’t let him, it’s not “cheating” to compete in the only division that will have him. It’s unfair to expect trans people to turn their backs on sports they love.

I have always liked Leighton.

I wonder whether it was inadvertent. The “wear white” protest thing was pretty well known, and it’s not a color most people wear in February. Wouldn’t surprise me if she chose that blazer either in solidarity or (more likely) to blunt the visual impact of having only Dems wear white.

Thanks for writing that out, and you make a really good point. I wasn’t thinking about the bigger context. (I tend to balk at anything that reads as “act like a lady,” because that’s so often used to control female behavior, but I see where that’s not what’s being said here.)

Absolutely the optics of it were bad and there were other options. And I get why people who only see the pictures of her kneeling are annoyed, because it does look disrespectful at a glance.

I cannot believe I’m kinda defending Kellyanne but it’s pretty clear to me from this picture that she was kneeling that way to get at the right angle to take a photo of the whole group with her phone. Obviously it’s not a terribly elegant solution — she could have asked somebody to move the couch a couple inches, or

Eh. Cumulatively it’s probably as much movie work as Prince. But I’m not heartbroken they skipped him or anything.

I was being flippant. Probably should have worded it better, because I know that hour onstage just scratches the surface.

Maybe, but if she’s working on other projects she’s giving up whatever she’d make doing stand-up. Her online schedule right now shows she only has three stand-up dates through August. That doesn’t mean she’s only earning $18,000 this year, but we don’t know how much she gets for the things she’s doing instead.

Probably. I googled and I saw 10-15%, and I went with 10 because it let me be a little lazier with the math. Glad our estimates agreed.

Good point. It kind of stinks that traveling costs money, but you have to travel to make real money.

You’re right — I was being flippant. I didn’t mean to dismiss the time she spends writing, traveling, promoting, etc.

I’m enough of a geek to want to figure out what she really gets to take home from that $20,000 a night, if she has to pay two other performers and her agent and manager out of it. So she gets $20,000, then her manager and her agent each get 10% ($4,000). And she gives her friend a third, and that’s ... let’s say

I agree. Whatever her reasoning is, this is ridiculous. Especially since apparently we’re also paying for security for the Trump kids’ business trips, and whatever it costs to fly back and forth to Florida every weekend.

I think he could have gotten through if he used to hit his wife OR if he believed in a form of amnesty OR if he had hired illegal immigrants, but the combination of the three was too much.

Good lord. People who write on the internet should be able to handle critical comments, within reason. (Do Slate commenters even get that mean? Seems like not the place for it.)