
I talked to some people about that one because I thought it was so bad and the consensus was that part of the problem might have been the name Maria? Apparently some Latinas see it as a really stereotypical name, kind of like Shaniqua for African-Americans or Becky for white girls.

I don’t listen to the podcast, but I’m not surprised. I unfollowed her on Twitter a while back because she got really unpleasantly defensive about pretty mild criticism. So it makes sense she’d be the same way on the podcast.

No, I’m crazy leftie myself. But when you’re writing an advice column you’re talking about very specific situations, so rules of thumb about who’s right or wrong are kind of silly. It’d be just as bad if Mallory always backed the woman, always backed whoever was oldest, whatever.

I’m still mad at the cot thing. Of course you don’t have to sacrifice your heirloom to somebody else’s religious beliefs, FFS.

I think she’s just too young for an advice column that goes so far outside her personal experience. Which sounds condescending, but some of her suggestions are just so naive.

God, now I’m like a Donald Trump wedding ring detective.

I’ve fallen into enough comment sections on this very point to know the answer is an emphatic yes (Genes do strange things, Joe Jackson had blue eyes, etc.). And whatever the truth is, I understand why Paris would want to believe it — it’s not like she has anybody else stepping up to parent her.

Maybe the prayer was Christian in a way that made Kushner uncomfortable? I’ve been there — it’s like “okay, I don’t wanna be rude, but this isn’t my religion and I’m not sure what to do with my face.”

If you watch Ivanka in the RT version Jez linked on Twitter, she does the same thing. These are women who have learned that when Donald Trump looks at you, you smile if you want to keep him happy.

It’s far-fetched, but her dad was in the communist party, and there’s enough shadiness about her immigration status when she first came over that I could see Moscow having helped her. Probably still not true but, like you said, an excellent movie plot point.

It’s the only time I’ve ever seen her look frumpy. Did she have a jacket for the ceremony? It might be better with a jacket.

You’re right — there’s no way she doesn’t have an ironclad nondisclosure agreement.

On the one hand, what Secret Service costs really isn’t her fault. But the fact she heard the price and saw what staying in Manhattan did to traffic and decided to go with it ... yeah, that’s a sucky thing for her to do.

I remember at the third debate noticing how she and Ivanka were both sort of sidestepping him. Bet the bus tape and sexual assault allegations had a lot to do with that.

Yep. She’ll be 60ish and a very rich widow. Not a bad way to spend retirement at all.

It looks like he never did. Here’s the best photo I could find of his hands post-Melania marriage and pre-2016 — no ring.

Oh god. All of a sudden her modeling photos from 20 years ago would be proof she’s an airheaded slut. And if she criticized Donald in public it would just get worse.

It looks like the Trump administration had to restart it, actually. All the ongoing Obama petitions were archived, and I had to create a new account to sign with.

I think they’re informally separated. She basically vanished between the election and now, and every time he touches her in public she looks annoyed. And the thing about her not moving so Barron doesn’t have to change schools is lame. She just doesn’t want to live with him, and who can blame her?

She’s the only mother Kamiyah knows, and she’s only 18. Kids don’t necessarily have the best perspective on how good or bad their parents are.