
Maybe she didn’t have a birth certificate or social security number? You can get through school without those things, but when you’re 18 and getting ready for college or a job it’d start being a real problem, and it’s hard for a kidnapper to explain away. That’s what made Carlina White suspicious.

Or just hire a black guy and trust acting, makeup and our imaginations to fill in the rest. Plenty of actors play famous people who they look very little like, and we accept it as a matter of course.

I’m gonna assume no age listed means at least five years older than I would have guessed.

I wonder if it might be a semiconscious way of ensuring you WILL get caught/punished.

OMG, why do you hate white people so much??????

We can mock him, but I know how Bice feels. One time a black woman bumped me with her shopping cart and didn’t say excuse me and now I truly identify with the victims of lynchings. Can’t we all just get along?

So, they are either stupid, selfish, complete assholes, or some combination thereof.

I’m too old for Snapchat. I did Tumblr for a while but kept getting into fights with 17-year-olds, and then getting mad at myself for getting into fights with 17-year-olds, so I deleted my account. I don’t take enough good photos to want to use Instagram. Facebook is full of stupid people, some of whom I love dearly

I love Twitter. (And I’m at the same username there as here, if anybody is inclined to follow me.) But, yeah, often, as Clover noticed, Twitter seems to need to chill. I want to stroke Twitter’s hair and tell it that, really, it’s okay, it’ll get over whoever Drake is dating this week.

Probably, but it’s still decent of her to donate it instead of just letting catering take it all to the landfill. IDK why people are looking for something bad about it. Yeah, it’s a tax write-off and publicity, but can’t we pretend to not be horrible cynics and just be happy for the people who got a fancy-ass meal for

Right? I was trying to math how long it would have taken and it has to be like 200 hours if she spent 10 minutes on each page. This girl is in looooove.

Yep. Since when is everybody I know in favor of slut shaming and generally being a whiny bitch? Because that’s all Barb does besides die.

Yeah, this is what I think too. I’m sure they were being total assholes in hopes of getting a video that would go viral. I’m also sure that if two white guys were being assholes on a plane in hopes of getting a viral video, they’d have to be a lot worse to get kicked off. We’ve all seen that video of the drunk white

Johnny Galecki & co. each make $1m an episode for Big Bang Theory. By that standard, Baldwin’s $1,400 a shot is practically modest.

Dear Mariah Carey: Yes, you have nice boobs. Congratulations. Now put them away, please.

I live in Arlington, so probably.

That’s not real, is it? It’s not on his timeline.

Would she have a case against Alex Jones and/or the assorted publishers of “fake news” sites? I know it’s hard to prove libel of public figures, but saying someone is a literal pedophile and child murderer goes a little beyond fair criticism.

The problem is, their programs around labor and education WOULD have helped white working people. But the media was so married to the OMG EMAIL SECURITY narrative that her actual specific proposals got no air.

So, Google says between 60% and 74% of frozen embryos lead to a live birth. (Different websites had different numbers and I don’t have the expertise to reconcile them.) Which means there’s at least a 1-in-4 chance “Emma” or “Isabella” wouldn’t come to exist even if the embryos were implanted. Would Loeb sue the