
Eh, they’re about the same to me in terms of Twitter enjoyability. Roxane gets weirdly thin-skinned about stuff that wasn’t personal, but I could do without Lindy’s public fights with trolls too.

I know this is going to sound crazy, but there’s room in the world for more than one popular feminist writer. Roxane and Lindy are both awesome, but their tone and style are quite different.

See, to me it’s so weird and so specific that it has to have been something they talked about — it’s not something most parents fear like car accidents or kidnapping. But I guess it could be that she knew he was obsessed by the idea, or that he had threatened it. (But then why did she let him drive the kid every day

It happens. Once I was stressed by a tantrum and tried to pull out with my 4-year-old not buckled and the door on the baby’s side improperly closed. I’m just glad my older kid was old enough to tell me what was wrong.

The only thing that would have made this better (other than the kid being born to decent parents to start with) would be if there’d been enough evidence to charge the mom too.

Oh, goody, another man who doesn’t understand that consent to one act (in this case, a feigned rape) equals consent to another (in this case, butter as lube). Save the surprises and forced method acting for a time when your actress has her clothes on.

No, I was just adding to it. Tone online is tricky.

Right, because god knows people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are never, ever smug.

I took the Reddit app off my phone and deleted my account the morning after the election and haven’t looked back. I just wasn’t comfortable participating in a site where such a hateful community has been allowed to flourish.

Oh, dude, this reminds me I need to get her to listen to Hamilton all the way through. If I tell her it’s the guy who wrote the Moana soundtrack, she’d care.

Dear lord, I would DIE. Thankfully my kids’ phases tend to be a lot shorter.

Eh, her taste in music is better than hearing the theme song to whatever cartoon the 5-year-old is obsessed with this week. And honestly I like that she likes girl power songs, even if it’s the insipid Disney type of girl power.

I have a 9-year-old girl. I had to give her my Spotify login to satisfy her yen to hear this song over. and. over. again. So in my particular household, it’s a bigger hit than “Let It Go” and approaching “Roar” or “Fight Song” levels of ubiquity.

He chases ambulances. It’s a living.

Yeah, this is where I admit I don’t really know what his political views are and said that because I couldn’t remember anything shockingly horrible.

Really? To me he just looks kind of tight and Botox-y. Maybe it’s my imagination.

Yeah, I voted for him in the primaries in ‘04 and his message would resonate even more now. He would have been great to have around except for the whole “cheating on his wife while she had cancer” thing.

I went and looked up Edwards’ current photo on his law firm’s website and he’s starting to get that mummified Botox look. At least Quayle didn’t go that route.

It’s weird he’s an old guy now. He had that John Edwards quality where he looked startlingly young even when he was in his mid-40s.

That might not be a bad idea. Strip him of the cheap ego fix, and force him to communicate with the nation in a more traditional form. I don’t think they’ll ever do it, but it would be big help.