
And the thing is, they have zero interest in understanding why their actions are racist, let alone in maybe being less so. You can explain why, say, calling black people apes is racist until you’re blue in the face, and they’re never ever ever going to Get It. Because if they admitted they understood, they might have

I hadn’t even thought of that. I’m thinking about it now, and it’s terrifying. The Mann Act, which was meant to bar prostitution, was used against anybody the FBI didn’t like 50 years ago — could we be in for another generation of that?

I believe he’s never thought about anything outside his tiny set of pet issues. (Illegal immigration, trade inequity — and even there he’s neither compassionate nor particularly well-informed.) To me, that’s scarier because it means he’ll fall for anything his advisors tell him as long as they push the right buttons.

Cool how he said this on 60 Minutes but not on Twitter several days ago. Guess attacking the New York Times was *that* important.

Apart from all the other things wrong with it, this shows how little Trump thinks about his alleged beliefs. (I don’t think he actually cares about abortion, beyond knowing he has to say he opposes it to run as a republican. For one thing, he’s mentioned asking Marla Maples if she wanted to “do something” about the

His dad died of it, you know. It would surprise me not at all if he was in the very early stages.

You’re assuming these voters have the attention span and interest to learn about anything that doesn’t make their Facebook wall. They don’t.

Agreed. I think a lot of swing voters decided after the Comey letter that they were both too terrible to vote for and sat this one out. (Thanks, media, for the incessant coverage of a non-issue.)

My husband wanted to have distraction sex Wednesday morning.

Here’s a gallery of all 24. For what it’s worth, 21 of them are trans women and 22 of them are black or Latina. And I think I need to go throw money at a group supporting trans women of color, now.

He has looked stricken in every photo I’ve seen of him since Tuesday.

NOM doesn’t want to execute gay people, silly. It just wants to stop them from getting married, adopting children, or being protected from discrimination. Totally different!

So I’ve heard the “they let you do it” = consent argument a few times now and it’s so gross. If somebody is too scared or shocked or polite to punch someone in the face for unwanted physical contact, that’s not consent. It’s more like resignation.

Oh, man, that sucks. I remember our management of my store being pretty good, but there are assholes in every company.

My first job in high school was as a bagger at Safeway. I got written up for not smiling and greeting a secret shopper. I thought it was hysterical and bullshit then, and it would be even more bullshit if that job had been my livelihood and not something I was doing for a summer to keep myself in beer and NIN CDs.

I think Andy plays on the community’s (admirable) desire to be sympathetic to trans people and people with mental illness. And he is, of course, very good with words. I can see how Aja got snookered.

Yeah, I remember her from her LiveJournal Harry Potter days and she’s always been a deeply unpleasant human being. And while a passable writer, she’s never been much good at reporting. The fact she’s taken seriously as a journalist makes me want to throw things.

It’s a prestige thing. It lets people say Neiman Marcus catered Thanksgiving, which is so much fancier than going to Whole Foods like every other rich idiot on their block.

For what it’s worth, I looked up a couple DC-area catering menus (because we have both soul food and stupid rich people) and they average around $2-$3 per person for a side of collards. And that’s hot and fresh, not frozen and gross.

Monica Lewisnky and Juanita Broaddrick are still walking around, too. If the Clintons have a hit squad, they should fire it for incompetence.