
Okay, I think I see what you’re saying. I agree in that I think the “Cinton did bad thing X, but Trump did bad thing Y” stuff is generally silly, especially since the bad things so often aren’t directly comparable.

And I think the dumb one here is the one who started this conversation acting like they know what Corey Lewandowski does or does not tell Donald Trump. I believe we’re at an impasse.

Yep. Lewandowski was literally on the Trump payroll until last month. (May still be.) He travels with the candidate. If you think he *wasn’t* passing along anything he could get his weasely little hands on, I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

That we know of. The hackers aren’t looking for stuff on Trump. We have no idea what Lewandowski is or isn’t passing along.

Seriously! Clinton’s a policy geek. I have faith that she knows this stuff cold. (And even if she would have flubbed the question, is that really worse than the risk of being caught cheating?)

Right? I had the same reaction. Even without Wikileaks, email is inherently insecure — all it would take is for one disgruntled employee to start forwarding shit around, and bam, it’s all over the news. And Brazile knows as well as anybody that Fox News, etc., are just waiting for some hint of bad news to smear


My first thought after her statement that she didn’t know how the emails got there came out was that Weiner was probably snooping. It’s not exactly unheard of for cheaters to assume their partner is cheating too.

If she takes off a couple months, all the people who work on the show might not get paid for a couple months — not just the Kardashians who would probably be fine, but the camera crew, editors, makeup and hair people, etc. It’s not really her personal decision.

Also, she has a contract with E!. She may be incredibly rich, but that doesn’t mean the legal stuff around getting out of that contract would be fun or easy. And since her whole family is involved, it’s not like the negotiations around quitting the show would only affect her.

To me that sounds like a reason to, like, give him another TV show so people can watch him say “offensive” things regularly. Not a reason to make him Commander in Chief. But I understand that kind of Trump voter isn’t thinking about it that deeply.

Okay. So it’s “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” logic. Which is dumb, because the reason the establishment hates Trump is that he’s ill-informed and unpredictable and could well make things very bad very quickly — but I guess that doesn’t matter to the kind of people Moore is talking about.

No offense, but I don’t understand what that has to do with what I asked about. I may not agree with voting Trump because you distrust Clinton on foreign policy, but it’s an actual opinion with some rational basis. It’s not the same thing at all as voting Trump because it seems like it’ll piss off the people in

How do you send a FUCK YOU to the ruling class by voting for a rich, vulgar WASP? I understand Moore’s point — it’s all about image in the end — but Trump literally IS the ruling class.

I wonder whether the FBI asked everybody in the probe to turn over every device they used for work as part of the probe -- it’s done on TV a lot, but I don’t know how realistic that is. If they did, and Huma didn’t mention she sometimes used her email from her husband’s computer, that looks REALLY sloppy of her. But

Well, yeah. And that’s what’s stupid about this. It’s possible Huma was dumb/careless enough to regularly download classified material to a computer that wasn’t secure. It’s also possible we’re all panicking over a handful of the bland emails about office birthday parties. Comey left the door open for either.

First: Jesus fucking Christ, I am so sick of hearing about the stupid emails.

Fair point. It seems like there should be some workable compromise, but I agree Clinton isn’t in position to propose one right now. The cowardliness, however, remains annoying.

And if that’s what she feels, she can say she believes the pipeline is legal and the protesters should be cleared from the land. I’m not asking her to take on the government or presume to know more than people who spent their career studying this stuff, just to say something instead of nothing.

The problem I have with that is first, this isn’t a sudden event; her team has had time to research it. And second, if what she means is that she isn’t ready to express an opinion, she could have said that in much simpler terms.