
Heh. Yeah, there’s no way for her to win in the eyes of right wing media, in which she is both impossibly corrupt and unforgivably incompetent.

I don’t see that? There’s a way to say “this is what I think” without having it come across like an order from the god-empress.

It’s gonna be interesting, watching her try to get through 4 or 8 years in the White House without offending anybody by having an opinion.

Exactly. She’s trying to weasel out of giving an opinion until she sees which way the wind is blowing.

This exemplifies my problem with Clinton. I don’t think the pipeline should be built, but if Clinton said “I think the project should go forward and this is why,” it would at least be an opinion. This is just bullshit. If she’s going to be president in two months, she should be willing to take a stand on issues like

Yeah, I read an interview with Angela Bassett & she mentioned working around Paulsen's Emmy commitments while they were shooting this. I think you're right that he'll be back.

Dude, they wouldn't keep hiring him to work on the same stage as the many AHS Oscar-quality divas if they thought he sucked. Do not let the pretty face fool you.

The fact Evan Peters only really turns up in the previous episode and is dead by the end of this one makes me wonder whether he might have had limited availability while they were shooting this season. Does anybody know whether the shooting schedule on this would have overlapped with his shooting/promo schedule for

I can see it as being an attempt at a joke about random people coming forward with unlikely stories about presidential candidates and their family members? Just an unfunny and sort of racist one.

Hack, maybe? It seems unusually literate for a hack (not to mention very huh?), but from what I can tell from the guy’s feed he’s not really a joker. So hack is all I got.

I got the impression the half-brother kept asking Obama for money — Malik Obama told the press about a couple of examples, and you know there must have been a lot more privately. Which, okay, the president could probably afford it, but at a certain point it’s more about the principle of the thing.

I think he’s just running out of direct attacks to throw at her. We’ve heard about every mistake she made since 1992 ad nauseum, and none of it is convincing anyone who hasn’t already decided to hate her. Plus, she’s kind of a boring person, scandal-wise. She’s not nursing a secret heroin addiction or sleeping with

She could be Connie, but she goes by Condi. It’s like if you referred to Betty Warren — sure, it could be Sen. Warren’s nickname, but it isn’t. So instead of coming across as casual/cheekily Australian, you just seem like you’re making a mistake. Hence the reaction; Everyone on the internet loves telling people

Thanks. The doctor left the steroid thing up to me, but said it’d get me back into contacts sooner so I figured it couldn’t hurt. I’m glad it’s nothing too weird.

Thanks, I’ll look for that!

Y’know, the doc gave me a sample of that kind. I’ll have to try it once I have an OK to wear contacts. My dad’s had contacts since 1970 or so and it’s what he’s always used, so I know the concept — I just wasn’t sure what difference it would make. Glad it worked for you!

It looks worse than it is. Honestly I ignored it for most of a year because it came and went so I kept thinking it was eye strain or some weird sensitivity to my contact solution.

Yeah, I just saw “overuse of contacts” and jumped to conclusions. I’d definitely take GPC over an actual hole in my eye.

Dude, I hadn’t thought about laser surgery yet but now I’m considering it. Eye doc says I should go to daily lenses if I go back to contacts at all, so the surgery would pay for itself in a couple years anyhow.

Soft — the monthly kind.