
Oh, was it GPC? I literally just got diagnosed with that. Compared to your story, mine (lower in the comments) is pretty tame.

Not grossest ever, but it may be grossest in the last seven days so I wanna talk about it.

Oooh, good point. God knows he’s never shown particular respect for any of his wives. (And I’m not even going to start on how he talks about Ivanka.)

So here’s a fun thought.

The problem with the Little Trump defense, such as it is, is that the part of Trump that tweets about sex tapes at 3 am and throws a tantrum over not getting a phone call will still be there if he’s elected president. Trump won’t get a magical personality transplant the day he takes the oath of office. In supporting

Trump was just talking, boys will be boys, and what’s been described as “lewd” and “crass” language should have no repercussions and require no accountability. After all, serious men have serious things to talk about. By definition, this whole thing was not serious.

If women like sex, that means they’re sluts, which means they’re fair game to grab anytime.

I’m a little skeptical on this one because 11 women say they didn’t see him, compared to the four who did. That’s almost a 3-to-1 margin.

Yeah, “going along with it” was a weak way to put it, and Billy Bush is obviously a creep or worse. I was just trying to get at how absurd it is that Trump still has the RNC’s support, while the person on that tape who DIDN’T brag about sexual assault is losing a job that’s a hell of a lot less important than

So the stuff Trump said was so odious that just going along with it makes someone unfit to talk to celebrities on a morning show, and yet 70%+ of Republicans still think Trump himself is fit to be president.

Ivanka shook his hand, Tiffany sidestepped, and Melania turned so his kiss would land as far from her mouth as possible.

Exactly. It’s like throwing a fit about how Apple wants too much access to personal data and then filming an ad for Google. It makes no sense.

Exactly. If they just wanted to speak out against the Clintons, that’s their right. But going all the way over and appearing with Trump suggests to me that they’re not too bright, not too rational, or had political motives in coming forward to start with. There’s no way you can honestly say Trump is a better choice if

I feel like the fact these women are willing to appear with Trump at a time when it’s perfectly clear what a vile shitpile of a human being he is speaks volumes about their character and motivations. I can understand why they’d hate the Clintons if their stories have as much as a grain of truth to them, and I blame

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this existed, but the sourcing doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.

My theory, and it’s not an excuse at all? Trump is SO HAPPY to have somebody listen to him and make him feel like one of the cool kids that Howard Stern could have said “you like to fuck goats, right?” and Trump would have agreed. Like a lot of bullies, he’s fundamentally insecure and in constant need of validation.

Funny. My brother is 11/1/81.

And also, I’m not sure what Hillary is supposed to have done that was so bad? No wife is going to be nice to the woman her husband cheated on her with. Just ask Ivana Trump.

I didn’t think his apology could possibly make things worse. I think I was wrong. He doesn’t acknowledge WHY it was wrong, which makes it feel like all he’s sorry for is that he got caught. And then he brings up the Clinton’s marriage, which is a losing strategy for him.

So if I’m reading the text at the top right, this is the stuff her campaign wanted to have a response for if they were asked to defend it. And there’s really nothing here that we didn’t already know. So if this is the stuff her campaign saw as a potential problem, the rest of her paid speeches must be even more