
Maybe, but I’m wary about saying that because I thought their relationship was completely fake for the longest time and then she turned up pregnant. So I’m assuming something is real somewhere in there.

Right, but he can give them his new number, or give them some other way to get in touch. (Carrier pigeon?). Somebody who’s determined to cheat is almost always gonna find a way.

That actually makes some sense, in a fucked up reality TV drama queen kind of way. I bet you’re right.

Right? Maybe she thinks it’ll scare off the women -- but if they’re flirting with an engaged guy with a baby on the way, having to text a different number doesn’t seem like much of a barrier.

Okay, I know I’m probably thinking about this harder than she did, but can anybody explain Chyna’s logic? I just don’t see how sending out his phone number stops Rob from texting other women, or other women from texting him.

I agree white liberals who try desperately to support Black Lives Matter could be funny, as a sort of leftie version of the “I have a black friend” defense. Might not be a Portlandia brand of humor, though. (I don’t think I’ve ever seen them do a sketch that significantly touched on any political issue more

I’m starting to get this crazy idea nobody in this comments section knows the whole story.

Got it. Taking down a smaller poster where it’s one message among many is harder to explain. Sorry for my misunderstanding.

Yeah, that’s the thing. Obviously I don’t know Carrie Brownstein personally, but I’ve been following her career for 20 years and I think at some point she would have shown some sign of being an asshole if she was one. She really, really hasn’t.

Thanks for finding this. I can see why the show took it down. I respect the owners’ intent in putting it up, but it’s so large that in the context of a sketch it would play as a joke. Wouldn’t be a good look for any comedy show, let alone one as white as Portlandia.

I’ve unfollowed Nate on Twitter because he just comes across like a jerk lately. He seems to be having a very hard time going from being the most important and infallible expert in the field of electoral prediction to being just another voice among several. I also think he’s a little sick of this election. (Which,

Jesus fuck, I can’t believe I briefly considered supporting this guy. I got about halfway through his website before I realized he was an idiot, and this just confirms it.

I wonder how much of it was about age, too? She was 33 when she had her first kid, and it’s hard for any actress past 35 to find big roles. And she has worked consistently, even if it hasn’t been in flashy parts. So I don’t know if she walked away so much as she was pushed out.

I know nothing about accounting, but that surprises me not at all. Lots of businesses with lots of independent records = lots of place to squirrel away money. And because he had no board of directors, there’s no one from outside his family keeping an eye on things.

Apparently, that was the one thing off-limits for his Comedy Central roast. People can joke about how much he wants to fuck Ivanka and he doesn’t care, but suggest he’s not that rich and it cuts him to the quick. 

That was just bizarre. I know that to his fans the argument is that bending the law to your own advantage is just smart business, but talk about hiring the fox to watch the henhouse. Trump won’t even hire Americans to make his ties or clean his hotel rooms, so why does anyone think he’d do any good at reducing

Some of it is that his businesses are organized unusually in that he’s sole owner (or close enough) of a bunch of small businesses, instead of having merged them all into one big corporation. Of course, part of the reason he does it that way is probably to make it harder to track where his money is.

Benefit of the doubt: I read that as him saying that these were people who had been trudging through the snow for him eight months ago, who are now begging him to support Trump.  

I’m kind of impressed by Kate. Crouching while balancing a toddler on your hip is tricky enough, but doing it in a pencil skirt and 4-inch heels and without giving tabloid reporters a photo that’s even vaguely unflattering? THAT is parenting finesse worthy of a queen.

IT IS SO MUCH LIKE A CRUSH ON A PERSON. Only much lower-risk because, while TV shows can break your heart, they won’t sleep with your best friend and then lie to your face about it.