
Okay SO I just started watching on Monday because Malek was cute during the Emmys and I’m shallow, and I’m only three episodes in but I am getting one of those absurd TV show crushes where you just want a show to live in your heart.

No, but see, the Black Panthers were a terrorist sect. Jim Bob’s Militia & RV Shop is just good ol’ boys defending our freedom.

Wait, that’s ink? Ouch. I like tattoo sleeves but I agree, solid black just seems like an odd choice.

Same. I maybe just wanted an excuse to post that photo.

I understand the point they’re trying to make, but I’d be surprised if Rolling Stone hasn’t published a woman’s nipples at some point in the last 50 years. That would mean they never ran this gorgeous shot of Janis Joplin.

Good. The guy has had a hard enough life without having a major TV network declare him a murderer.

Sorry, I thought he publicly posted what was intended to be a DM. I didn’t realize it was completely unsolicited. (Obviously I’m not doing an appropriately deep read of comments about this story.)

And there went the last of my “it’s gross, but it’s his private life, so whatever” reluctance to judge Weiner. He can perve on as many consenting adult women as he wants and that’s between him and them, but only true human scum would keep sexting a girl knowing she was underage. I hope there's enough proof here to

Right. If having bonked your kid sibling at age eight proves you’re a murderer, they’d have to lock up an awful lot of us. The poop stuff is gross and weird, but, as you said, nobody would see it as anything but gross, weird kid stuff if JonBenet hadn’t been murdered.

Stay sexy. Don’t get murdered.

I might be wrong about this, but isn’t it pretty ordinary in divorce to ask for more than you want to leave space for negotiation? So she’ll ask for sole physical, he’ll ask for 50-50 joint physical, and they’ll come out at the normal kind of thing where he gets the kids every other weekend or whatever.

Eh, maybe she could work for the Trump campaign or Fox News. They deserve her.

You’re making the first thing more complicated than it is for some reason. I think this woman sounds like a jerk, and when jerks say “I never do [thing],” I don’t believe them. Because they’re jerks, and jerks lie. I suppose in theory it is possible that the students are also lying jerks and she never said it at all

It’s cute that you think she was telling the truth when she said “I never say this but...”. I don’t know either way, of course, but that’s not the kind of statement I take as gospel.

Individually, sure. (Though the old lady and pedophile comments are pretty mean.) But it’s like anything else -- the pattern is more important than the individual instances. And the pattern here is that she’s a jerk with boundary issues.

People on Buzzfeed who say they had her say she also threw stuff at students and was generally a bully. Definitely sounds like this is not somebody well-suited to teaching high school. You can be funny and irreverent without being a massive twat.

Downey did make a movie with Haim way back when, but I don’t think it’s him. This would have come out when his drug problems were super-bad -- nobody would have been too intimidated to say a guy already in jail raped them.

First, this is awful if it’s true. Second, I feel like it’s icky Radar is publishing this like it’s another tee-hee blind item that’s about as important as Ben Affleck cheating on Jennifer Garner.

Agreed. I understand Stassa’s reaction in the context of a gossip blog -- but the headline and lede should have been edited once Julia mentioned her father’s passing.

I know! And what is the non-racist alternative? The guys threw the bananas because they were worried the woman weren’t getting enough potassium?