
Christie was a GW Bush-appointed US Attorney before he was governor. Probably he had to get a security clearance for that.

Maybe Christie and Flynn already had security clearances related to their jobs? But yeah, it’s weird.

That much side boob is not flattering on anybody. It looks like you’d have to spend the whole time you were wearing it holding your nips in place to stay decent.

Personally I wouldn’t because I saw how hard the IV has been for my brother. But you do what works for you.

I’ve spent enough time on true crime forums to know the “evidence” you’re talking about. It’s absurd. His parents wanting him to be someplace safe and familiar while their house was crawling with cops and his sister was missing/dead does not make him a murderer. Neither does something that kind of sounds like it might

You understand the difference between “basically zero” and “zero,” yes? Mary Bell was about 10 too. I’m sure if we spent half an hour googling we could come up with another five or ten names. It’s still a vanishingly small percentage, and the chances Burke is troubled enough to be in that group and has stayed on the

Can I just say how gross I think the Burke Ramsey theory is? For fuck’s sake, he was 10. There are basically zero murderers that age. Bad enough he lost his sister in such a terrible way; we don't need to treat him like a murder suspect too.

Thank you for fleshing this out for me. I’m ashamed to admit that I only realized a few months ago that there’s absolutely no way she could have set up a private server without the cooperation of State — she may have been Secretary, but rules are rules and government bureaucracies are not staffed by rule-benders. (She

Sadly no, but if anybody wants to pass that kind of money along to me I won't turn it down.

Aja is a notorious Potterverse big name fan/troll who has been shipping Harry/Draco for close to 20 years. I wouldn't take anything she has to say about this subject as particularly illuminating, let alone unbiased. (I'm not in this particular fandom, but I spent enough time on LJ to know who's crazy.)

I missed that he was 26. Yeah, that age gap makes it extra-skeevy. (Granted, my husband is seven years older than me and we met when I was 20 — but it wasn’t at AA, and I was 24 before we got married.)

To give Powell the benefit of the doubt, maybe she had it set up while she was a senator for personal/Clinton Foundation emails. Then when she became Secretary, she had the State Department account routed to that server.

Yeah, I don’t care if he delivers pizza. At least that means one person in the marriage has some vague idea as to what earning a living is. Having a confederate flag tattoo and seeming to be a golddigger, OTOH — those are reasonable grounds to judge him on.

Is Michael Snoddy the guy who has the confederate flag tattoo? If so, wtf is wrong with Paris?

Now I feel bad that my only association with Aleppo is the pepper. I’m sure I’ve seen it in the refugee context but it didn’t register.

her looks are her business.

Oh yeah, I know it’s basically her job to look like that. But still. Damn.

I can so easily believe it was both. Probably the purchase was big enough to be against store rules, and then the clerk acted like an ass about it instead of helping Zendaya out because she’s young and black.

Agreed. I think if she pulled her hair back and laid off the bronzer, she’d look about the same as she does in the first pic. She definitely does more than a normal 19-year-old, but in that family how could she not?

Gotta admit, I can take or leave the boots but I’d kill for that body.