
But Hillary coughs sometimes so I honestly don't know who to vote for.

If that was it, she’s stupider than I thought. Nobody cares that much of a singer gets a breast enhancement, and it doesn’t play into the public’s idea of her the way a short high-profile relationship did. Unless she’d rather people make fun of who she dates than her boobs, which I guess is her prerogative.

She spent like a year not dating anybody between Styles and Harris, and I think she’s had other breaks before that. The big problem she has is that everybody is convinced all she does is date dudes and write songs about them. She needs to come out with a concept album about saving the whales or something, and practice

Yeah, that sounds about right. I think maybe she was hurting from the split with Calvin so she jumped into a PR thing without thinking about how it would look. She needs to keep her love life and her feuds low-key for a year or two until this blows over.

Seriously, WTF is up with Taylor? She was pretty good at managing her image for like the first ten years of her career, and then this year it all went to hell. Is it just people getting sick of her, or does she not care anymore, or what?

Oh, man. I am so glad we decided to pass on this one this weekend. The whole Rocky plot sounds agonizing to watch.

Online shopping, baby. I can sit on the couch with my 9-year-old beside me, get her to sign off on the stuff she likes and needs, and have it at the house in a few days. Why would I want to mess with the mall and fitting rooms? And with free shipping and regular sales, there’s no real incentive to drop $400 at a go

I don’t have inside knowledge, but that was my impression just based on his habit of quitting TV shows after a couple seasons. Good thing somebody doesn’t have to be nice to be talented.

There is also a very real question of whether that quality of life is worth millions of dollars in surgeries if the patient will likely die of cancer within ten years.

Right? I’d put this in the category of something like a joint replacement. Sure, you CAN live with a hip that doesn’t work, but it would be a limited and painful life in many respects. Calling it “wasteful” is absurd.

Not to be a dick, but the brewery’s been around since 1991. Phyllis’s suit was to stop them from trademarking the name.

Nope. No interest. Girls plus a couple interviews now and then gives me all the Dunham I need; I don’t see the point of 300 pages more. I believe it’s got issues; though.

I don’t rejoice in any individual death. I’m sure Schlafly had family who loved her, and I wish them peace.

You know, I dismissed your rant because I want this conversation to be over, it hurt my feelings and honestly reading it hurt my eyes, but fuck it. You deserve an answer.

Exactly — what I meant was that, if somebody’s done the time, that should be it except the usual parole restrictions. Making it so sex offenders can’t find a job, live where they want, etc. seems like cruel and unusual punishment. If someone truly is a compulsive repeat offender who can’t live in the community, maybe

I’m sort of flattered that you think I have the authority to shut people down. I expressed an opinion. When a contrary view was explained, I said okay, good point, but I’m still out. If that shuts people down, the problem is theirs, not mine.

I’m starring this because it is an important point. Thanks for reminding me of my privilege here.

She must have met my former coworker who insisted that for every caffeinated beverage you had, you peed out twice as much fluid.

Right. If we feel people can’t be in society safely, we should keep them in jail. Releasing them but with so many limits on where they can live and work and everything else seems like the worst of both worlds — potential victims aren’t any safer, while offenders who want to rejoin society can't.

I’m not sure it’s a rephrasing, but the moment-to-moment aspect is exactly what exhausts me too. I would have a lot more stomach for real conversations if there wasn’t this constant stream of nitpicking. And yes, it’s totally clickbait and a way for the audience to feel morally superior to some random celebrity for a