
Because people are really freaking dumb?

Oh, man, I don’t envy you trying to navigate that in Vermont. Especially if you’re also trying to keep her from showing the world her underpants. (Not that there’s anything terrible about little girl undies, but leggings are SUCH a great invention for letting kids play in a dress without worrying about what shows.)

Like THAT is the thing about this thread that makes it clear. I know I’m clueless, that’s why I ask questions. If it comes across as insensitive I apologize.

I think they’re trying to attract women who are in the same situation. Lots of married/partnered women want a little something something on the side. It’s mutual using each other. (Alternately, some single women get off on screwing married men, either because it’s forbidden or because it means fewer strings. I think

That’s the other thing! But I guess if your parents are Beyonce and Jay-Z, you probably grow up with a warped sense of “normal” anyhow.

Yeah, an hour is no big deal. When I commented I was thinking about the stories I’ve heard where extensions are an all-day project. I have been schooled.

See, my kid didn’t like tulle or princessy stuff, but shorts weren’t really her thing either. Basically she lived in dresses and leggings until this year, when the third grade girls collectively decided nobody cool wore dresses for everyday. But don’t ask her to wear anything with a fly or she’ll whine about how it

Oh, yeah, they would have gotten epically more crap if they let her wear it naturally. And if it had to be braided anyhow, may as well braid in the extra hair to make it fancy. The only reason I asked is I’ve always heard good extensions are basically an all-day project.

I would have loved to play in it too! Wear it in public for five hours, not so much.

An hour seems like a pretty long time for a 4-year-old to let people fuss over her hair, but I have a bias here—i always hated having my hair fussed over when I was a kid, and my daughter’s the same way. But it's not totally out of the range of reasonable. I was wondering if it took like six hours, is all.

I don't like the fawn boots: Silver, black or white, or even a color, would have been 100% better. But she looks fine.

Is it wrong that I feel kind of bad for Blue Ivy? She’s not even 5 yet. She should be wearing non-itchy clothes she can play in. Hopefully it’s just for the carpet and she won’t have to spend the whole awards show wearing her own body weight in tulle.

I think so, yeah! I just got ungreyed on all the sub-blogs where I’ve posted somewhat regularly.

Kate and Jon are both really gross people and I feel sorry for their kids.

Right? And it seems to me like even when a celebrity does admit to an abortion, it’s couched in “I was very young and I still feel terrible about it.” (e.g., Niki Minaj.) It’s rare for people to talk about having had an abortion simply because they didn’t want children right then, and Naya was brave to tell this story.

Ear infections aren't exactly rare, and — while I don't know for sure — I wonder if Gypsy was more prone to them due to her general malnourishment and lack of physical activity. It's possible the ear infections were legit even if DeeDee was lying about the bigger picture.

Except that Gypsy’s parents split up when she was a baby, apparently. Or are you saying her stepmother wouldn't have wanted to help her?

I have a ton of sympathy for her, but I disagree that she didn’t commit a crime. She helped plan a murder, then went to stay at the murderer’s house rather than reporting the crime. You can think someone was horribly abused (she was) and still believe there could have been other solutions to her situation.

Yeah — I sometimes find the narrator a little over-dramatic for my tastes, but this case? This case deserves every ounce of drama you can muster up and then some. Thanks for posting the link!

I heard about this case on an episode of the Sword & Scale podcast a while back. It’s completely chilling and goes more into Dee Dee’s background. I recommend anybody who wants more than this and the Buzzfeed article (and it’s such a heartwarming story, how can you not?) hunt it down.