
I’m not surprised. She’s seen as a trophy wife, she isn’t American by birth, and she has no serious career to speak of. (She may have been a successful model, but that’s not exactly something people respect.) People like their first ladies to be largely apolitical and vaguely admirable on the Laura Bush/Tipper Gore

I can see both sides of the argument about trans athletes. But when we’re talking about someone like Semenya, who has a body that naturally makes more testosterone than a typical female body but who was nonetheless raised as a woman from birth and considers herself one, I cannot see a single good reason why she should

From the facts he’s already said all black people are poor and unemployed; accused Hillary of sleeping like it’s a crime; and been politely told to stay the fuck out of Louisiana, and this on a day when he’s on his best behavior, i’m thinking it's going to be #2 or #4. But we'll see...

From your lips to God’s ears.

Gotta admit, this scares me a tiny bit. If he can keep reading the teleprompter and avoid picking fights with babies and gold star families for the next ten weeks, and if there’s another Clinton “scandal” (which will almost certainly turn out to be a big fat nothing, but Fox News will never let people realize that), I

Ugh, I hadn't seen that — why is New Yorker promoting this man? I get why RNC did, but you’d think the New Yorker would understand why suing publications out of business is a bad thing.

Damn. I mean, damn. It’s terrifying that one man’s vendetta can put a news outlet out of business. It’s sad and obscene and wrong. I’m glad Jez and the other sister sites will be around — at least for now — and I hope Univision has a plan to fill the Gawker-shaped gap.

I guess my response would be that there’s no such thing as fair. It’s not fair that one sprinter grew up in a rich country and trained with a former Olympian and another grew up in a poor country and trained on a dirt path. It’s not fair that people are different heights and ages, and may or may not have health issues

I watched Wilmore a few times and didn’t like or dislike it: It was just kind of there. And when Comedy Central announced the cancellation, the first thing I thought was that I never really saw people talking about the show. I think I see more about David Letterman than about Wilmore, and Letterman hasn’t had a show

I may have worded that badly.

Oh, man, you wound me. Accusing me of being a rape sympathizer is one thing — but say I’m a blue lives matter person and I get pissed. (For the record: AHAHAHAHAHA no.) I don’t think the courts or the police always get things right. In this particular case, I’m willing to let the verdict close the book on the

Yes, but I think any rational person HAS to be inconsistent. Rape stories aren’t identical. Sometimes somebody who all but walked into court wearing a HI I AM A RAPIST t-shirt goes free because the jury gets fixated on the the length of the victim’s skirt. Sometimes an innocent man gets convicted because the judge was

I didn’t mean to sound like I thought all or even most guys were rapists, just that we weren’t really familiar with the idea of affirmative consent.

Look, I spent better than five minutes trying to come up with an answer that doesn’t make me look like an idiot and couldn't. That’s my agenda here.

I went to a large public university, class of 2000. And yeah, people who hooked up were normally equally drunk/high — all I’m saying is that people tended to hold drunk women responsible then in a way we don't anymore. May not be phrasing this very well.

If I say I always believe the courts, I look like an insensitive idiot who is unaware of the many problems faced in the prosecution of rape cases.

You’re right: What you think or I think or the entire Jezebel commentariat thinks has almost no impact on Parker’s career. He’ll be fine.

Sure, the whole story seems wrong, and the victim clearly was hurt by whatever happened.

There’s no really good answer to that. I tend to fall back on “I have absolutely no firsthand knowledge, he was a teenager, and the courts (flawed as they are) ultimately acquitted both of the men.” But if to you it’s enough of a black mark that you can’t see the movie, I respect that point of view.

First, I’m not advocating this point of view. At all. We were wrong, and I’m glad things are even slightly better now.