
ha! Or a The Little Engine That Couldn’t of thought. (Though that might be George W. Bush.)

True. And also, to be fair, most of them aren’t actually giant babies to begin with.

Aside from everything else that’s wrong with this, this is why nobody should enter politics at the level of a presidential campaign. Anybody who’s served even half a term on Podunk City Council knows how to tactfully ignore a baby crying during their stump speech without losing their train of thought.

Wrong place, sorry.

Well, boo.

Is that a real thing? I am actually stopping myself from googling it because if I did and it is, I would order huge volumes of it and become a drunkard.

I think it’s that Lucy felt like a real person with feelings who acted the way she did for a reason, where Margaret seemed to only exist to be a priss and annoy Dennis. Lucy pulled the football away and called Charlie Brown a blockhead regularly, sure, but she also had a hopeless crush and attempted to help her

True. Not stilettos anymore, at least. (And thanks for the kind words. You inspired me.)

I was 14, and I had a similar reaction. I was happy for the four, especially because I lived in Mikulski’s home state of Maryland. But it still seemed pitiful. It delights me that now we’re at 20 and it’s widely accepted that that’s not enough.

And 1992 was “the year of the woman” because the number of female senators doubled. Which means it went from two to four.

I’m already getting chills imagining the inevitable photo of Hillary Clinton and Theresa May shaking hands. It’s an encounter we’ve all seen pictures of a hundred times because of the US-UK relationship — but none of us have seen it with more than one woman, and most people under 35 can’t clearly remember Thatcher

“50-something tween” is the best description of her I’ve read lately. It's not 1993 anymore: She can act like an adult already.

Am I allowed to think that — while I respect smith’s point of view — that piece makes ou sound like the most pretentious, insufferable special snowflake this side of 14-year-olds on Tumblr?

Now Smith is just being intentionally stupid. They have to know Trump wasn’t calling Latinos “taco bowls” either. But I guess some people are just allergic to admitting they screwed up.

When I was six years old, my mom showed me Geraldine Ferraro on TV and explained why it was so important that a woman had been nominated as Vice President. I grew up believing a woman would be president one day. And now that day is imminent, and I could not be prouder to be an American right now.

I hope you’re right! I keep thinking of scenarios where it’ll all go wrong and we end up with Dictator President Trump.

Exactly. It wasn’t a totally fair contest, but it couldn’t have been with someone as prominent as Hillary running. And I can see why DNC favored the person they’ve been working with for decades over a guy who only registered as a Democrat so he could run for president. They shouldn’t have, but they’re only human.

I loved Sarah so much in that moment.

I think they look worse if you don’t know anything about how politics or journalism work.

Yeah, agree to disagree. From my experience as a user, Facebook is much worse than Twitter in terms of how often I am confronted by content that is offensive, stupid or both during regular use. (Though I do think we’re coming at this from slightly different angles — I’m looking at what platform makes me happy, while