
The history notes were a fantastic idea and helped make Patty a full team member, not just the token loud black lady a lot of people feared after the previews. And it made sense with what else we know about Patty; her history knowledge didn’t seem pulled out of nowhere, but like the kind of thing somebody who works

Do you have a Twitter account? It’s my favorite social network, and I honestly don’t recognize my newsfeed in what you say. My Twitter is comments from funny and interesting people, news, and quick updates from my friends. I’ve never seen offensive content without going looking for it. (Obviously that last point would

Can you gray out the abortion photos so people need to click to see them? I’m a wuss and can’t handle bloody baby photos.

Yeah, I’m like 35% convinced of that myself. Trump has been a bully and a braggart his whole life, but in this campaign he’s been acting like a villain in a B movie. Hard to believe he’s not doing it on purpose.

What the fuck?

So, either a)Steve King doesn’t think religion is important or b)Steve King thinks Jesus was a white dude.

I admit it’s not a perfect comparison, but you’re almost never going to get an exact apples-to-apples match-up of movies. But I’m curious how you’re defining“cultural relevance.” Alice and Tarzan have both been known quantities across the English-speaking world for over a hundred years. Hardly a year passes without

Maybe they wanted to keep Feig happy, too. And he did write the screenplay.

I saw it a few months ago and also loved it! It was SO much better than the marketing made it look.

Sure. I’m sure she has plenty of time to be the Rap Lyrics Police and will get right on that.

I didn’t think about that, but you’re right. I remember Spy being treated as a flop when it came out. It ultimately grossed twice its budget in the US alone.

Serious question: Why did the studio approve a $144 million budget for a movie they had to know wouldn’t earn it back? It could have been the best Ghostbusters sequel/remake imaginable — and comedy still wouldn’t translate, and the brand still wouldn’t be a familiar one in China.

Yeah, I took my 9-year-old to see it and we managed it at 4:30 yesterday, and only because I was too impatient to wait any longer. If I’d been trying to coordinate with other people I doubt I would have seen it this weekend.

The reaction is such sexist bullshit. It made the most money of any live-action comedy this year, outgrossed expectations, got 76% positive on Rotten Tomatoes — and it’s still a disappointment because, I dunno, it didn’t cure cancer and earn $100 million overnight.

I’m not saying Taylor is some flawless angel victim here. As I said in response to somebody else, she could have told him not to use her name, didn’t, and then was misleading about what she knew after the song came out. But someone can be an incredibly famous pop star and still have a bad habit of not speaking

I think that might be the way Kanye meant it — as Kim pointed out, he calls *her* a bitch in songs all the time — but it’s not necessarily the way Taylor heard it.

Abrupt subject changes mean let’s stop talking about this. She was grasping for something nice to say to him, hence randomly bringing up Instagram.

I don’t know the Kendrick song, but is it calling a specific woman a bitch by name, or is it more using “bitch”as a form of address like “lady” or “dude”?

Taylor Swift translator:

Is that for real? That’s ... mind-bending levels of illogic there. If a drug had a 1/3 chance of killing you and 1/10 chance of giving you cancer, there’s no chance it’d be sold over the counter in every gas station.