
I’m not familiar with her career, but from what I can see on Google Images she isn’t particularly sexually provocative in her presentation. So I’m not sure what you’d like her to do so she’s not “entertain[ing] the notion” of herself as an ideal — gain weight? Shave her head? Get grotesque facial tattoos or amputate a

I don’t get how this is a burn on Taylor at all. Even if it was intentional it just makes Perry look kind of sad and obsessed. “Oooh, I’m gonna quote one of your song lyrics for the name of my perfume! I’m such a meaaaaaan girl!”

I’m not clicking the link because honestly the thought of hearing a dead guy I don’t know talk dirty to some woman I’ve never heard of has roughly zero appeal —but I ungreyed you because this is a worthwhile point. And yeah, I commented before I had read the Radar link. Now that I have, it’s clear there’s not a whole

I don’t know — I haven’t seen a lot of uncircumcised penises in the wild, so to speak. If that’s the case, it does make Chandler’s testimony less meaningful.

Basically that both of the families that filed criminal charges were shady as fuck. (E.g., the second boy’s mom was meeting with lawyers saying Jackson molested her kid before they even met.) Also that the bedroom Jackson was sharing with the kids was the size of a nice condo, so it wasn’t sharing a bedroom the way

Radar and Jez are sensationalizing here: It wasn’t child porn. It was legal, if unsavory, art photography. Apparently Jackson had an enormous collection of art books. It’s creepy the collection included so many naked pictures of kids, especially given what else we know about his personal life, but it wasn’t anything

Funny thing: I just listened to the Liar Ciry podcast episode on Jackson and they made a good case for his innocence. So now I'm all confused again.

If she has such a severe learning disability that she can’t grasp cause and effect, why on earth did her family let her move halfway across the country to marry some dude she’d met online? I understand she was an adult and you can only control so much, but ... come on. Something doesn’t add up there.

Funny. You saw the article as just short of saying she was hired for her looks; I read it as just short of saying she was somebody’s girlfriend. She came off really badly.

So ... the implication of the article is that she’s sleeping with somebody (and probably Donald), right? Or am I the only one who got that from it?

I agree that’s an icky argument, and I wasn’t trying to start a fight about abortion in the least — I’m completely pro-choice. I just wanted to show that the article yvanehtnioj linked to didn’t represent the only possible outcome of a microcephaly diagnosis. The abortion aspect was an unfortunate side note.

Her kids have an extreme form of the condition, plus some compounding problems like epilepsy and cerebral palsy, and she’s opted out of a lot of medical interventions because they feel the girls are too fragile to take the risk. (I went on a binge and read her whole blog a couple months back when people first started

I think, as Caity said in the piece, there’s room for everybody to be more or less telling the truth. Taylor might have approved (or at least been polite about) the general concept of the lyric without knowing Kanye was going to use the specific wording “that bitch,” either because Kanye hadn’t written the exact words

I haven’t heard that reaction to the oral sex advice, but I can definitely believe it’s out there. Which is annoying, because I do think it’s generally empowering — but leave it to entitled people to take something well-intentioned that extra degree too far, to where it becomes a weapon.

I thought the idea black people disproportionately voted against it had been largely disproven? This article says they were against it at 58%, about the same as the 59% in the Latino community. But Dan didn’t know that when he made his comments — the early data he was reacting to said 70% of black people were voting

I think that like any other advice, Dan’s viewpoints are useful until they aren’t. I don’t mind the oral comes standard because women, especially, often get the message that their genitals are “icky.” It’s nice to have a prominent writer saying no, they aren’t icky, your guy is just being a giant baby.

I love that! Have you had the Flips thing that comes with white chocloate granola? It *is* desserty, but I love it at lunchtime.

I might be imagining this, but I feel like the tone toward him in internet chatter is starting to shift. Last week, every time I went outside my lefty sphere I was seeing a lot of “Make America Great Again!” and excuses for every dumb thing he’d said to that point. But since the comments about the judge in the Trump U

I like that her food diary looks like actual food humans would eat, complete with cheese. Very un-GOOPy of her.

Women’s sports aren’t a big money-maker compared to men’s sports, but they’re a huge money-maker compared to not being a professional athlete at all. And then there’s the sheer joy and societal recognition that people get from playing sports exceptionally well.