
I like the Bowie part. A little eh on Juniper because I’ve only heard it on girls, but I do like the sound and if they wanted an androgynous name at least it’s an interesting choice.

The problem is that a mediocre male runner would easily become a champion female runner — it just has to do with how our bodies are built. And given all the crazy stuff athletes do to compete (e.g., steroid use) I can believe people would lie for an advantage. This isn’t like the bathroom thing where fake trans people

Jesus, that’s terrible. I just saw the number 88 degrees in the post and I assumed that was the highest regular temperature. It’s even worse if that’s the goal.

Added stupidity of this: The guards and other prison employees must feel the heat too, and are no doubt prone to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and all those other fun things that go with spending eight hours a day in 88-degree heat. So they were so eager to keep prisoners miserable, they spent a million dollars to

Well, Tig is gay and has had cancer, so obviously she’s more oppressed and we have to pick her and hate Amy forever. Duh.

Some of it may also be professional competitiveness. It’s annoying to be asked about somebody who does the same thing you do, and arguably does it worse, and gets more money/fame out of it. Add in that what Amy said was pretty obnoxious, and I can see why Tig just wanted to shut the interviewer down.

I wish I still had that much faith in the democratic process. There are so many things the vast majority of Americans support that we’ll never get, because they don’t benefit our oligarchs and so our elected officials don’t care. Every so often the population screams and cries long enough for something good to happen

That's a fair point. And if he has been doing something to the niece, better she find out she's not the only one now. I just worry it won't be enough.

But if she’s worried about her niece’s safety, the time to have this discussion would have been when she was 11 or 12, if not earlier. Rapists don't really care about age of consent laws. Abby was right in that if the brother-in-law was going to do anything, he almost certainly already has.

Yeah, I think they had some weird clause that you have to have season tickets for both 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 because they don’t know which season the show will fall during. So you don’t have to just be able to afford season tickets to the Kennedy center: You have to be able to afford season tickets to the Kennedy

I’m not surprised. For the DC tour dates in 2017-2018, they’re going to give people with season tickets dibs and then release whatever’s left to everybody who can’t afford season tickets to the Kennedy Center.

What do you have in common? How is it not creepy to sexualize someone so much younger?

This hashtag is so me it hurts. I mean, yay girl power, and I’m happy my daughter will get to see a woman in the Oval office, etc., but I think she’s too hawkish and politically centrist for my tastes and has become prone to acting like she’s trying to get away with something shady even when she probably isn’t. (See:

The Instagram page says she’s two and has a LOT of insanely adorable photos. It looks like her mom might be a dance teacher — she tags a specific dance studio in a lot of photos. But even with that, this is one talented kid.

I’ve noticed this a lot; people writing in mainstream publications assume “you” are a heterosexual man. (Cracked is especially prone to this, which is weird to me because in other pieces they’re clearly trying to be inclusive and explain why sexism is bad and such.) It’s just another example of the culturally

Meanwhile, my third-grader’s only comment about Trump has been to ask why he always looks angry. So obviously I’m a much better parent than whoever’s raising Logan.

To be honest it wouldn't surprise me at all if Taylor came out as gay or bi in the next 10 years. She just seems so much more comfortable around women.

This might be weird, but to me this seems extra-sad because it’s not like his drug use was the typical reckless/self-medicating/decadent 27-year-old rock star thing. He made it to middle age, his hips went bad on him, and he got swept up in an ongoing national epidemic that’s killing a lot of people right now. I’m

Trade journalist here, employed by various newsletter companies for 15 years, and I am all in favor of this law. I’ve only ever had one employer who obeyed the technicalities of the old overtime law. The rest of them had a general policy that salaried employees were exempt. There seems to be a widespread belief in DC

Is that Madonna shot real?’Cause it looks like really bad photoshop —the old kind where you just pasted a head on an unrelated body.