
Thank you. I should have said that.

See, my counter-argument would be that nobody casts biracial actors to play white characters. (I recognize there may be a couple exceptions, but in general.) So if biracial actors aren’t supposed to take black roles, and they won’t get white roles ... what does that leave them? It’d be a nonissue if more roles were

I agree to a point, but I think there are probably just as many not-tortured geniuses as there are tortured geniuses. For every Robin Williams, there’s a Steve Martin; for every Amy Winehouse, there’s an Adele. It’s not that Steve and Adele live flawless lives, or that they aren’t surrounded by opportunists, but their

The main issue I always run up against is that it’s incredibly weird for a child molester to molest only one child, and even weirder for a middle-aged man to decide to start molesting kids during an ugly custody battle when he was already under suspicion. (I do think Allen has a creepy thing about girls in their late

Somebody on another board said the channel’s had a running joke/publicity stunt with her reading the weather in “inappropriate” or revealing clothes, and this was likely just more of the same. Can anybody in LA confirm or deny?

Conspiracy theories are fun. Assuming people are lying and you’re one of the few smart enough to see through it is fun. Believing most people are telling the truth as they see it? Borrrring.

That may be my favorite celebrity age lie ever. I guess her brother missed a memo about how old they were.

It seems like she’s been consistent about her age everywhere except that one place. That could mean that the first Morning Herald article just made a mistake and she really is 25 .... or it could mean that she did that interview before she decided how old she was.

On one level it’s a necessary corrective to the old idea that rape/assault/abuse is always a stranger in an alley and no “nice person” ever behaves that way, and if a woman says one did she’s lying or mistaken.

It wasn’t an apology at all. It was like a parent who says they smack their kids up for their own good. I mean, yeah, the world can suck sometimes and kids need to know that, but if hitting your kids is the only way you can think of to teach them life is unfair you’re not actually solving any problems.

I think that in general, the “prejudice plus power” definition is the correct one, and I think any white person who says somebody was racist against them should be shut down HARD.

It was fun how she insulted this 14-year-old for not having a curvy figure yet. It was like being back in eighth grade, only without the algebra homework.

See, I’m happy for Jenny Slate but stories where somebody divorces someone to get with someone else always make me :-(. But if you’re gonna leave your husband for somebody, Christ Evans is about the best possible guy to do it over. (And yeah, I know it’s possible Jenny and her husband were done long before she even

I feel like that’s such a dad thing to do, though. “I figured out how to draw on my phone and, dang it, that’s what I’m going to do.”

You know who else was a frustrated artist?

What? She said he was ripping her off. He (apparently) blew her off with a subtweet. She escalates to “sand nigga.” Hard to see how he started anything.

I didn’t even read the story and I thought it smelled fake. Who’s gonna steal a sex tape from some people nobody’ ever heard of?

I think parts of it may be true, but I don’t believe that after almost 20 years of having one of the most intensely controlled images in pop, Beyonce just suddenly decides to air her dirty laundry all over the place. It seems out of character.

Jesus, I can’t believe I voted for this fuckwad.

The number of people in that screenshot of comments who want to discuss the state of a stranger’s vagina is really disturbing.