
Okay, this may be a dumb question, but why are people assuming the album is literally about Beyonce’s marriage instead of realizing that she’s an entertainer and pop song lyrics aren’t necessarily gospel? (And that’s assuming she even wrote the songs, which I don’t think she always does.)

I’m just curious who this “everyone” is. I don’t find it unwatchable, and it doesn’t seem like most of the people I know do either. If what Kate means is that *she personally* finds it unwatchable, she should just say that rather that starting from the false premise that she and whatever three Gawker Media employees

This is just further proof that the whole Rob/Chyna thing has been a publicity stunt from day one. They’ll almost certainly “break up” quietly between seasons.

Thanks. That’s terribly sad. Sometimes organized religion just sucks.

I’m not ready to trust TMZ, but there were rumors Prince had a hip replacement a few years back. Lots of people get hooked on painkillers after major surgery. And it definitely fits better with the fact he was touring up to last week than that AIDS rumor does.

*small voice*

But sitting through the mining scenes allows one to pretend one is watching the show for reasons besides the chance to ogle Aidan Turner. They make it classy!

I’m not arguing that Foos or Talese should be tried for what they did, mainly because in practical terms it’d be hard to prove damages. Most people aren’t going to remember the name of a motel they stayed in 30-odd years ago, let alone be able to establish that they were among the couples Foos watched, let alone show

Exactly. The woman’s writers thing is dumb and there’s no doubt he phrased himself badly (then made it worse with every word he said), but I can believe he couldn’t bring to mind the names of the few women he was reading in 1940. That’s mainly just about being old. But enabling a voyeur isn’t about being old; it’s

This article made me crazy, and I’m so glad people are talking about it.

Totally doomed, obviously.

I agree it’s unusual, but Rosebanks sounds like it could be a real last name. It’s not like they smushed them together into something that looks like a bad hand at Scrabble.

So do we believe Kris or Caitlin’s version of events? Neither of them exactly strikes me as the most reliable possible source. (I’m inclined to think he did tell Kris he had been on hormones but didn’t let her know how serious he had been about it. And I’m not sure what pronoun to use there so I’m using the one that

Wow. My son’s middle name is a surname that you’d never ever want to call a kid by because it was his dad’s and granddad’s and great-granddad’s middle name, and his great-great-grandmother’s maiden name. My brother’s is also a surname for similar reasons. Using a family name/conglomeration of family names in the

But, see, you just made exactly my point. I only buy OB because cardboard apps always seem to pinch me and I get all guilty about the environment when I use plastic ones; it’s easier for me to just use my fingers. If your wife had to crash at my house, she’d be SOL.

Okay, I guess, but that’s not what I was talking about? I was talking about the specific context of a guy wanting to keep supplies around for female overnight guests, where the issue wouldn’t be money so much as surprise.

I’m not really with Madeleine on that one. First, most women have such strong brand preferences on tampons that a box of the wrong brand is almost worse than nothing; I’d legit run to 7-Eleven at 3 a.m. before I tortured my body with a Tampax again. Second, if a dude had tampons around, my first thought is going to be

This is like when non-Muslim women wear a hijab for a week to blog about how people were mean to them. Buzzfeed was stupid to run the piece.

They read the verdict over the loudspeaker in my high school, too. Looking back, yeah, it's weird they felt it was worth interrupting the day for. I guess it just shows how pervasive the trial was at the time.

Same. I was 16 but I just didn’t caaaaare. O.J. Simpson wasn't on the cover of Spin or Sassy, so he was totally outside my sphere of interest. I was aware of the trial because it was everywhere but most of it went over my head.