
49, but I guess with a donor egg and IVF it’s possible?

Thanks. I didn’t feel up to checking the filings, hence the Lyme/lupus confusion. (Agreed that it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but it’s nice to get things right.)

Her serial lies apparently included telling the guy she seems to have made the rape story up to impress (?)) that she had chronic Lyme disease and was dying.

My association with the head-shaving was that it was meant to invoke slavery or imprisonment — e.g., everybody at Auschwitz got their heads shaved. But who knows.

Yup. Sarah won this one. Not that winning a battle of wits with Azealia Banks is exactly difficult.

This kid is a badass. I’m thinking about subscribing just so I can support her.

If I were single, I’d live in a space like this. I don’t need a lot of room/stuff, and $1,300 for a bedroom plus access to amenities is not bad at all for Manhattan. (Which is to say, it’s insane by normal-person standards that could be applied almost anywhere else in the country, but likely to be affordable for most

The arson threat shows more than ever that they only care about unborn life. “Arson isn’t violent” unless a janitor or security guard is working late, unless a firefighter gets trapped and dies from smoke inhalation, unless the fire jumps to a nearby building that does have people in it. Et cetera. (And that’s

It’s true in reverse? If you’re rich, you don’t have to think about money.

Dude, if you’re at Jez for the day, I demand you bring back Foodspin. Anything else you write is a waste of words.

The fact you used a screencap from Bringing Up Baby already makes this the best April 1 prank of the year.

I mean, that is a colloquial way people talk. If you said “the weather guy on TV said it would rain,” I wouldn’t assume you didn't know the word meteorologist.

Same. But I’m inclined to like anybody who’s actually good at hosting SNL. It’s not an easy job.

Pretty much. I tend to think he did it because it's the nearest theory, but I can understand the reasoning people use to pin it on his son. As you said, he's not exactly innocent if he helped his son get away with murder.

No, he had a son named Jason from an earlier marriage, who was in his early 20s at the time of the murder. That’s the one people who think OJ took the fall for someone typically blame.

The book they're basing it on is the “his son did it” theory, right? It’s always seemed unlikely at best to me.

Oh, man, that’s like a Sophie’s Choice right there.

Oh, cool! My birthday’s the 7th and my anniversary’s the 14th. It was a good month to be born and get married :-).

Yeah, I’m trying to decide if I can justify a weekend in New York as a birthday/anniversary treat this fall, or if I should just suck it up and wait for whenever the tour might make it to DC.

Oh, yeah, his relationship with Ivanka (or at least the way it plays out in front of cameras) is creepy as fuck. I’m just saying his kids appear to have arrived at adulthood as more or less scandal-free human beings. Granted, that might be in spite of and not because of his parenting.