
None of his children have released a sex tape and/or gotten thrown in jail, which is more than a lot of rich families can say.

Maybe, but TV alone is almost 70 and movies and recorded music are significantly older, so if it were just about there being more celebrities I would have expected the spike in deaths to start 20-30 years ago.

Maybe that’s it — the celebrities dying now are about my parents’ age and I remember bits of their careers, so it’s hitting closer to home than it was when they were people I had no personal connection to.

Are a creepy number of celebrities dying this year, or am I just noticing it more for some reason?

If you can’t understand the difference between two years in the early ‘80s and 12 years in the 21st century, I honestly cannot help you.

Great c&p, great bolding. Funny how you didn’t answer my actual question. As Wiki tells us, the answer would have been no. She worked with him for two years, 1981-83, at two separate jobs.

Yeah, exactly. I feel like it's obvious that if it's true, it's completely awful and unacceptable. But the fact someone writes something in a lawsuit doesn't make it true. And it's not like it would have been a situation where he had literally no other options.

I don’t remember that case clearly — did she really work for Judge Thomas for more than a decade before she quit? If so, I see why people raised the point. These are not people who had no other options.

And you would have stuck around for 12 years, otherwise?

I’m always suspicious of these lawsuits that allege long-term terrible behavior by a celebrity boss. So Elton John was so abusive and terrible to work for that you kept doing it for 12 years? Why? Were you that afraid he’d give a bad reference if you quit?

Yeah, you do NOT need to show off your bra at a children’s event, at the White House, on a religious holiday. I’m pretty comfortable drawing a line there.

One of my first ever comments on Jez was when they announced their wedding date, because my second child was due the week of their wedding and I had wanted to use the middle name Kate for my grandmother if it was a girl and had a minor pregnant lady tizzy people would think we’d named the baby after the former Ms.

Zoe refers to herself as black, for what it’s worth. Probably for the same reasons as, as Kara pointed out, nobody calls Barack Obama the first biracial president.

I read right past that, but yeah. Rich people might have complicated financial stuff to sort out if they want to get divorced, but if they were already disentangling their finances in December 2014, it’s super weird they haven’t even publicly separated 15+ months later. (And, in fact, are still doing a really good job

I have to admit, from the photo of the hand on Jessica’s thigh I thought it was going to be some 90-year-old. Jon Lovitz isn’t remotely young or anything, but he’s not exactly ready for Depends and dinner at 5 p.m.

God, this is just stupid and embarrassing.

I kept my name, both for byline reasons and because I hate paperwork. We’ve been married 13 years and have two kids, 8 and 4. I am of the opinion that the author here, while well-intentioned, is overthinking it.

My guess is it was a joke and/or a context problem. Like, the publicist might know what Super Tuesday is when she’s listening to NPR, but it’s not something you expect to come up when you’re chaperoning Khloe Kardashian to an interview. Neither Khloe nor the publicist were expecting to be asked about the election, so

He’s been doing that for months and it cuts both ways. It makes it clear she will meet with anybody who donates enough, and that he’ll donate to anybody he thinks serves his business interests. Not that exciting for anybody.

I feel some level of compassion for Heidi. I think she has bizarre taste in men, but as somebody who’s struggled with depression myself I can’t be anything but sympathetic to other people who experience it. And I respect that the family was honest about it when the police report came out, instead of blaming exhaustion