
Might have been part of the divorce settlement that he’d cover educational costs. Unfortunate that he has to do it in the current situation, yes, but at the same time if you look at it in terms of fairness it's the least he can do.

But it also sounds like the stupidest possible justification for a luxury. He wants to stay in shape, that’s great. Running is next to free, and so is doing workouts off YouTube in his living room. I understand the gym is more fun, but it’s not something you do if it’s literally taking food out of your kids’ mouths.

Yeah, cloth diapers are a nonstarter unless you have your own washing machine and dryer. (Or at the very least, one in your apartment building that’s low-cost and not constantly in use.) Nobody wants to ride the bus next to somebody with several days’ worth of messy diapers stashed in their laundry bag. I’m sure

Yeah ... I can see why some people like to free bleed, because sometimes pads are sweaty and not everybody likes/can use tampons. But your right to free bleed stops when you’re asking somebody else to get into bed with you.

Or even one who acted like it was some huuuuuge demand. They come in a box, it’s not like I’m asking him to insert it for me. Is Donnie worried people will think they’re for him or something?

I knoooow. Back when Lorelai and Christopher were married I actually really wanted them to make it work, because a)I LOVE that kind of high-school-lovers-reunited shit and b)Chris actually seemed like somebody you could go on a trip with or take out to dinner without him whining his manbaby head off. I mean, obviously

She probably is, but I would have stopped watching the show if Lorelai wasn’t the kind of dick who was entertaining to watch. (Albeit, probably annoying as hell if she were real.) Luke just seems like the type that wants to suck the fun out of every single thing.

Oh my god, thank you, I remember that from when I was a kid but then they haven’t done it when I’ve seen the show as an adult and I wondered if maybe I was mixing up two separate shows. You just confirmed I am not crazy.

So apparently some of the very first press coverage of Robbie in Australia said she was five years older than she says she is now? Which, it’s possible that was just a random mistake, but it would be funny if she was actually only about two years younger than Wilde but liiiiiies.

This is what I have always said but so many people get a ladyboner over Luke/Lorelai. I just look at Luke and see an angry guy who likes being a dick to people who break his arbitrary rules, and probably doesn’t shower quite enough.

Even if she had been born with a uterus, she’s never going to need an abortion because she’s 66 years old, almost 20 years past the end of most womens’ natural fertility window. She’s also wealthy enough that even if she magically had an unwanted pregnancy, she could fly someplace to terminate the pregnancy no matter

Ariana did a better job than Bruno. Bruno’s only one where he sounded like the original and not like a cover was Michael Jackson, and he flubbed the lyrics. (To be fair, nobody knows the words to Michael Jackson songs.) Ariana nailed it all as far as I could tell.

I think Oliveria’s probably an opportunist with ulterior motives, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something creepy going on with Simmons. If everything was totes fine, Simmons could put this all to bed by spending five minutes on the phone. The fact he didn't gave me pause.

Seriously. The Clintons met the Reagans when he was a governor — she could have said she was welcoming, elegant, etc. There was absolutely no reason she needed to say something objectively untrue.

This. A woman who votes against reproductive rights is still a woman, just like a blue collar worker who votes against a living wage is still not rich.

Yeah, I just checked the menus for two places that seem comparable to Au Fudge in case my memory for prices was playing tricks on me, and they charge $10 and $14 for a basic burger. So we found a city that makes DC prices look semi-reasonable, at least when it comes to going out to eat?

I agree it’s far from the most important thing in the review, but I think we’re surprised Jane was surprised to be asked. I can see where it would seem like an odd question to someone who doesn’t eat out with kids a lot.

Great article.

Agreed. I didn’t mean it as an excuse at all, just as an explanation. Many/most people manage to care even about issues that aren’t personal to them; the fact Jenner doesn’t is a sign of a character flaw in her.

I have zero opinion on what she is doing for trans rights. As you say, it’s not my fight.