
Can we talk about how there’s a Trump joke in the first episode? Is Candace Cameron less of an insane right-winger than people say she is, or do insane right-wingers hate Trump too?

Huh, thanks for the heads up. I’ve only ever heard it used by total bros who were obviously being rude.

Cool, thanks!

OK, I’m about to show how very white I am, but what does “trap” mean in this context? I thought it was transphobic slang for a trans woman who passes as cis, but that doesn’t seem to fit.

I accept that as a physical object that exists in the world, the dress is blue and black.

But it’s not expensive? They have sales all the time and their dresses average around $50 even full-price. Maybe we shop different places, but where I come from that’s pretty affordable.

Ugh, it was an email. (Not intentionally lying, just “letter” to me includes an email.) Time to get out my notecards. Thanks for the reminder of the power of pen and paper!

This is the letter I just sent. They need to know liberals like $30 khakis too.

Well, fuck. I’ve probably spent close to a thousand bucks with them on kids’ clothes and work basics. Time to write a nasty letter.

I think Jia and Ashley are right. I’d sleep with Ted Cruz to get him out of the race, absolutely. Trump represents everything wrong with America but scares me much less. So no, I wouldn’t screw Trump UNLESS by doing so I was absolutely guaranteeing we would not see a Republican win this year.

Hey, Bobby, could you give a little bit more context on the items at the bottom of the Dirtbag? I have to hover or click to find out what type of actor Henry Cavill is and what your idea of Hell is, and that wastes valuable time I could spend making fun of the Kardashians. #PrioritiesIHaveThem

Yeah, I was prepared for it to be something ridiculous like organic kombucha and kale crisps since Bobby said it was funny, but that’s ... a really fucking boring set of groceries. It’s sad Kris doesn’t trust Rob to buy his own tortillas, but that’s not really “what the fuck is this?” territory.

But then you realize Ted Cruz is only 45 and could quite conceivably run on the same platform seven or eight more times. And people usually get more conservative as they age.

I don’t care about swearing. I don’t particularly like being sworn AT. Big fucking difference.

No, I’m implying you’re unstable because your reaction to a sincere apology was to tell me to fuck off again. Insensitive as my comment was, I did not swear at you, or at anyone else.


I am now imagining his chief of staff, lieutenant governor and Supreme Court nominee all taking turns calling him to tell him why he shouldn’t mention women in kitchens in a political context literally ever.

It was a joke, and one meant as a jab at Lea Michele and not at sex workers in general. Admittedly I knew it was in bad taste — which is why I said I was going to hell for it. But in the general spirit of not punching down, I probably shouldn't have posted it and I apologize.

So if a friend of yours dated a sex worker after her boyfriend OD’d, you wouldn't raise an eyebrow at her taste in men?
