
I’ve heard, and she was only like 8 when it came out so it might have been genuinely inappropriate ? I just think it’s funny that she remembers seeing “indecent” movies so clearly.

That I can’t tell you. Anecdotally people who like it tend to mention the book, but I haven’t done a survey or anything.

Is the guy Lea Michele just broke up with the one who was an actual escort? Or was that a few boyfriends ago?

My mom, who was raised Catholic, can still tell you what condemned movies she saw as a kid. (Gigi made a big impression.) I think some people back them treated it as a what-to-see list.

Mine either, only I don't want one outside Omaha either.

My nieces built a kick-ass collection by getting one doll a year as a “big” present from grandparents. They’re well-made and can be passed down through families, too, which is how my daughter got hers.

Not to mention it’s the same stereotype Americans and Canadians have about our indigenous people — and, for that matter, the stereotype Brits spread about the Irish back when that colonization was happening.

It’s kind of a hipster baby name. (Google image search “baby Atticus” if you don’t believe me.) There were 846 baby Atticuses in the US in 2014, which put it at #370 on the Social Security popularity rankings. That makes it about as popular as Enzo or Jay — not an everyday name, but far from unheard of.

Yep. I can’t say for sure, but I bet the number of actual black people naming their kids after Atticus Finch approaches zero.

Well-played. I figured the chances you were kidding were around 60/40, but tone in the internet is hard.

I was assuming the spelling was intentional to get in the -ck from Attucks. But yeah, it looks dumb no matter what the reasoning was.

It’s perfect that she picked a middle name that’s more of a tribute to a fictional white dude who turned out to be pretty racist in another book, than to an actual black dude who helped start the American Revolution.

Also she was a maid of honor in a wedding this weekend, which probably took up some of her precious Twitter activism time. OH NOES HOW DARE SHE HAVE A PERSONAL LIFE.

Yeah, that’s something I should have mentioned in the comment but didn’t. Even if Beyoncé were to come out as fully endorsing everything about the Black Panther Party, that wouldn't call for this level of outrage.

Ha! Fair enough.

If it happened now it would just be gross. I still haven’t forgiven R. Kelly for sleeping with Aaliyah 20 years ago. But as Jia said in the article, the 70s were strange.

That’s another thing, isn’t it? Sleeping with a rock star was more of a trophy for her than sleeping with a 9th grader was for him. (Not saying we should rely on 15-year-olds’ judgement about appropriate sexual partners, etc., but that is a factor.)

Right. Of course it’s a bad idea for an adult to have sex with somebody in their mid-to-late teens, and it should be illegal because of the many reasons it’s a bad idea. But I’ve known way too many women who had sex with legal adults when they were 15 or 16 and don’t have negative feelings about those relationships to

Roman Polanski drugged and raped a girl who said no. If you can’t see the difference between a girl who said no and one who wanted to have sex— which I’m pretty sure was a thing even in the 70s, and which is not at all the same as “she didn’t complain afterward” — good luck to you.