
Yeah, to me that detail is important. It shows she was confident enough in the situation to say no, and he was respectful enough to accept it. That’s not something that can be said about every groupie/rock star encounter, you know?

I cringed when I saw the headline. I was prepared for this to be a “Your Fave is Problematic”-style takedown of Bowie, and I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to read it. I clicked anyhow and was pleasantly surprised.

True story: I read a Trump stump speech a few days ago and thought, okay, it’s not well-phrased but I think I agree with some of what he’s saying here about the economy and campaign finance. Obviously he’s sexist and racist, but if I totally pretend that isn’t a factor, I can see why people would support him.

Honestly, I liked the way the camera cut away to look at Theon. We already knew Sansa was being raped and we could hear her screams; watching her for 10 more seconds would have just felt gratuitous. It felt like by cutting to Theon, the show was both saying her rape was too painful to keep watching, and bringing in

No, and that's something I should have said in my initial comment.

It might be a dated specific reference, but the general point stands. Plenty of musicians wear clothes that originally had some political symbolism and nobody asks them to answer for what that symbolism meant 40+ years ago.

I didn't see that tweet so I can't comment. But if it's as you say, that is worrying.

My guess is it’s mainly a publicity stunt. He looks nuts, but we’re talking about him in a way we wouldn’t be if he just tweeted “please buy my record,” and to a certain mindset all attention is good attention.

There’s a double standard here, too. White musicians wear Che Guevara t-shirts so much it’s a cliche and nobody thinks it’s much more than a fashion statement, but Beyoncé puts her dancers in black berets and suddenly she’s a full-on Black Panther? It’s ridiculous.

Okay, yeah, the Rob Kardashian/Blac Chyna thing is totally a publicity stunt. Calling it now.

I thought Tom Cruise was dyslexic until Scientology! saved him. I’m not super well-educated in dyslexia so I may be way off-base, but doesn’t the fact he correctly spelled a bunch of multisyllable words in that pre-Scientology letter sort of shoot a hole in that story?

Yeah, probably. I wish stories like this had to include the cost of every single thing the writer used. I did some quick clicking and she’s recommending a $425 diet program, $485 for three colonics, $190 for the microcurrent facial, at least $50 for the manicure, and a bunch of stuff at the “if you have to ask, you

Oh, man. I had a birthday weekend in Annapolis in 2006 and it was legit one of the best weekends of my life. I can see it being a killer place to get married.

Every time I read something like this I feel more blessed I got married in 2002, when the number of people telling me about ways to spend money for my special daaaaay was slightly less overwhelming.

Yup. It was a stupid thing to say and I think he’s wrong, but obviously he’s just going for a reaction at this point. (To go by his Twitter lately, I’m thinking he’s not totally together this week/month/year.) Getting outraged about it is like getting outraged when a toddler spills their cereal.

See, Calista/Harrison bothers me less (not that they asked for my opinion) because she was over 35 when they hooked up, so she was totally a grown-up. Not that Kristen’s a baby, but she’s young enough that she’s still developing and changing in a way somebody in her 30s or 40s normally isn’t.

I don’t know what her school’s sex ed program is like, but that’s something I should find out at some point. And I’m definitely getting that book.

I’ve seen that book in the store and thought it looked pretty good! Thanks for the recommendation — we could easily do something similar.

Right, which is why I’m asking now — she probably has four or five years just statistically speaking, but girls around her are going to start a lot sooner than that. Giving her good information now just makes sense.

This is going to sound SO DUMB, but I have a question for moms who have been through this — how did you tell your girls about periods?