
She might be (I don’t know and don’t care), but that’s not the funny part. The funny part is that out of all the reactions Kanye could have had to the whole mess, he decided the important point to clarify was OH NOES NO FINGERS IN MY BUTT. She got to him with it, and that’s funny.


Somehow Kanye’s latest tweets pushed this whole thing from sad and trashy and kind of gross to high comedy for me.

I have never personally known anybody with a live-in nanny, and I live in one of the richest counties in America. I just asked my husband, who grew up here. He’s never known anyone who had one either. At most, people have sitters they call nannies — who are awesome and work incredibly hard for what they’re paid and

Same goes for “I’m classy” and “I hate drama.” Also “i’m not like other girls/guys.”

I had my kids at 28 and 32 without being like OMG BABIES either time. I mean, obviously I liked them or i wouldn’t have had kids to start with, but it wasn’t some urgent biological clock decision.

I didn’t engage with the song because I figured I know what Macklemore does and I know it doesn’t interest me nine minutes worth. So.

Look, I’m not trying tell you you’re ~damaged~ in some way because your mom didn’t come get you at school when you had the chicken pox. That would be both presumptuous and silly. (Though it is worth pointing out that a live-in nanny is such a 1 percenter solution I have a hard time taking it seriously.) Anyhow, I

No offense to your mom, but I would much rather earn a little less than the theoretical maximum and be able to talk about my kids at work and leave in a hurry if they’re sick, then have oodles of money and have to stay closeted about being a parent.

Why are you assuming she wasn’t that mobile? She went to school. Probably she went out with friends, what with being a legal adult and all. And frankly, getting pregnant doesn’t take that long.

I mean, she was 18 or so when she got pregnant. Regardless of her mental capabilities, there’s only so much you can do to convince a legal adult not to have sex or to have safe sex. Sara might have blown off their best efforts.

Some of it might have to do with where we were in our lives when the show was on the air, I suspect.

Sorry. In hindsight that was not the best-phrased comment I ever made. I was stating an opinion I still stand by (NTNP is cutesy) but I can see why I came across as insensitive to people struggling with fertility. That wasn't my intention.

Neither do I. A manufacturer can get in serious legal trouble for not having a large enough disclaimer about side effects on a web ad for pimple cream, but the state can pass along false information wholesale and it’s okay? I don’t get why this is okay.

Easy to believe. I’m just barely walking distance of metro — it’s half a mile or so with a big hill in between— and half a mill would be low for the thousand-square-foot, 70-year-old houses in my ‘hood.

From “That is way too much to ask of a rape victim,” mainly. It sounded like you thought one of the sexual abuse victims couldn’t do it emotionally, not just that you thought it would be in bad taste (about which we are agreed).

I see your point. I respectfully disagree with your argument that rape victims are inherently too fragile to give an awards speech, but I agree it’d be crass to send one up like a human prop.

It’s even lamer than that. I just looked and they were trying to spin the Lady Gaga/Linda Perry thing from yesterday as “Blind Gossip.”

I mean, it is a little bit of a bullshit excuse. Spotlight had an ensemble cast; it’s not like he represents abused children or nobody does. And even if he wins, there’s precedent in Marlon Brando sending up “Sacheen Littlefeather” to get his Oscar back in the ‘70s. It seems to me that Ruffalo could give his ticket to