
Two things: first, it seems like literally every comedian gets hit by joke-stealing allegations sooner or later. Some of them may have merit, but an accusation doesn’t really mean much.

How can anyone possibly think this is a good idea? Almond milk has like a third the calories of whole milk or formula. Low calories/fat is a big selling point on the box.

I can’t figure out how you’d even begin to eat those things. You’d need to start by picking off some of the candy/cake/whatever, which is counter to the purity of the milkshake experience.


Do you know where the studies will be published? I have a nonverbal (albeit non-autistic) 4-year-old, and if we can get him reading/writing it’d be like a whole new world.

Let’s see, she had money and connections, and clearly she’s creative. She could have been a promoter or a manager. Even if Bowie was mad at her, plenty of musicians wouldn’t have been. Or She could have gotten a little training and become a fashion designer. Fuck, she was only 30 — she could have acted like any other

Off-topic, but Endless avatar high five! O/

I’m always suspicious of people who don’t move on. She was 30 when they got divorced. She had money. She could have built any number of new lives for herself. But Angie chose to ride on the coattails of once having been married to a famous man, and I just can’t think much of that life path — especially if 35 years

Yeah, exactly. Duncan wanted to stay with his dad in 1980 — eh, whatever, sometimes that happens. You can be a good parent and give your ex custody.

Yeah, I grew up in a house where my parents spent my brother’s entire childhood trying to turn him into a person who would eat vegetables/sauces/”grown-up food.”

Lisa Bonet may be the coolest woman on Earth. I’m not sure there’s even a serious alternative.

Thanks, I wanted to post this. To be fair David and Angie must have told the press his name was Zowie, but they weren’t so completely drugged out/narcissistic they didn’t give him a totally normal name to use when he wanted to. (Looking at you, Frank Zappa...)

Bowie > Sting. Always.

I’m reading the court documents now — I’d repost, but my access is through work and I don’t know how PACER permissions work and don’t want to get smacked down — and the “serial liar” claim relates primarily to the fact Jackie told Ryan (the guy she apparently made up the rape to impress) that she was DYING OF LUPUS.

Jackie said members of a specific fraternity raped her; specific friends of hers were cartoonishly unsympathetic; and specific university employees failed to help her. None of that may be life-ruining, but I’d consider it pretty detrimental to their reputations. One might even call it ... reprehensible.

So you’re trolling. Got it. Have a nice weekend.

Ugh, I hate when people reply to me with gifs and I’m supposed to, like, intuit what they’re saying. Please use actual sentences so I can figure out what you think I’m kidding about.

She didn’t say anything particularly negative about him, and she says in the comments that she gave him a heads up.

Dudes on the internet think a golddigger is any woman dating a guy who makes more money than the person posting the comment does. Sorry they’ve got their sights on you, and thanks for dropping in.

I also suspect you could make any random selection of winners sound just as bad. The last five best actor winners played: