
Thanks. It was my little holiday gift to you.

Er, well, that's ... something? Thanks, I think.

Dianna is doing a lot of indie movies and seems to be fine! And I will sacrifice a cheerleader’s ponytail every month to keep it so.

I just thought about how many teens and preteens were into Glee when it was big, and how the actors from the show did a couple in-character concert tours, and how easy it would be for a performer who was in that situation and had a taste for child porn and no morals whatsoever to invite a 13-year-old groupie backstage

This is horrifying, but did anybody else think of that Amy Schumer sketch where the new coach is trying to convince the football players to stop raping women and the players are like “what about away games”?

What is the point of you?

And she might have gotten plastic surgery on the ass, too. Nothing about the Kardashians is natural.

... And Nameberry isn’t a website now? I am honestly baffled as to what you think you’re correcting here. Also I posted four hours before you replied and didn’t see any comments to the same effect at that point, sorry if I failed to psychically anticipate what other people would say.

I know we’re supposed to be looking at Kourtney’s ass in that photo but goddamn, I’m so jealous of her hair.

Same. Kate Hudson doesn’t look much like Kate Hudson when her hair’s back and she’s not wearing makeup.

Nope. Not SSA data. SSA data has Kai at #177 in 2014. This is some random list from a webmaster that’s getting seriously reported because fuck-all is happening today.


I was thinking about that too, and how I liked that piece even though I didn’t like most of the things Clover linked to here. I think the difference is that Edith basically approached Chris as a person — an incredibly attractive person with a cool job, sure, but not a member of a completely different species. And that

Hands up if somebody could be Actual Jesus Himself and you STILL wouldn’t want him taking photos during a play you paid $150 each, minimum, to see:

For me it wouldn’t so much be about the abuse itself, but about what he’d done since. He was 14 and in a household with all types of crazy ideas about sex and love, and parents who were too overwhelmed to be proper guardians. Sometimes kids in that situation do really fucked-up things. If he saw it that way — as a

See, I thought Jez was side-eyeing Mayim because, well, she is a little wacky about some parenting stuff and I can see where that taints her as a source if you’re trying to be snarky. I wasn’t thinking about it in terms of sex-skepticism.

I don’t watch BBT unless I’m too lazy to find something better when the reruns are on, but Mayim’s essay was pretty good. She basically says a)it’s creepy and sexist that people kept asking her if this fictional character who her fictional character had fictional sex with was “good” and b)the characters had fun, and

Song itself: Not remotely upsetting to me and never has been.

Thank you! I had only seen the second version for whatever reason. I agree that the ORIGINAL original with Montalban and Williams is, yes, not a particularly fortunate staging.

Funny. The song itself doesn't upset me because, well, it's goofy and flirtatious and anybody who can't hear that the girl wants to stay and is just freaking out about possible gossip is frankly an idiot.