
The interesting thing is, if you look up the performance that won it the original song Oscar it was done roles-reversed. (I think the movie's called Neptune's Daughter, never heard of it outside this context.) So people have been flipping it for comic effect practically since it was written.

Oh, that’s one of those things dry skin and a visit with Dr. Google convinced me I had during pregnancy that my doctor looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about!

Yeah, my mom did that for a few years until I sat her down and said I’d rather just get a phone call. At least if I get a phone call she’s not throwing her money away.

Ew, but thanks. So I have that to look forward to if I ever go on hormone cream, I guess...

She seems to be. She talks to her doctor in the clip to make sure she can’t get pregnant and he seems pretty chill about it, but he might just be a really bad doctor.

So, wait, do all postmenopause women on hormone cream get periods? Is it like a normal period or???

I mean, I’m sure they COULD do surrogacy or adoption, but “we might get a surrogate in a couple years if we still want another kid, right now our baby is literally a week old, give us some damn time,” isn’t clickbaity enough.

I don’t think it’s so much that Italian-Americans were oppressed as that working-class urban Catholics traditionally vote Democrat, and outreach to that segment helped produce so-called “Reagan Democrats.”

Why should an able-bodied woman with no kids get spousal support? Ryan was successful when they got married, it’s not like she put him through law school or something. I am undecided on whether he should help pay for the pets. Seems to me like they could just each take four pets and call it good.

Semi off-topic, but does anybody still make the kind of peel-off nail polish for kids that Tinkerbelle did? I’ve been looking for it for my daughter for years and it makes me genuinely sad I can’t find anything similar.

... how did I manage to miss that Saint West was here? I haven’t been paying a HUGE amount of attention to social media last few days, but I feel like I should have seen something. But I didn’t know about the missing brother either, so maybe I just temporarily moved under a rock.

I don’t hate her voice because it suggests she’s old. I couldn’t care less how old she is. I hate her voice because it has a nails-on-a-chalkboard quality that physically hurts my ears.

Oh, thank god. I understand she’s talented and important to the history of pubic radio, and this is probably heresy — but nothing makes me turn off NPR faster than her voice. (And yes, I know it’s a health issue, but so what? That does not erase its nails-on-a-chalkboard quality.)

This whole thing is making me so much less okay with porn, I have to admit. It’s not just what Deen himself did, though obviously that’s horrific enough. It’s that he violated women on-camera with plenty of other people around and nobody stepped in to so much as tell him he was out of the scene, much less take any

I was thinking the same. He’s not ugly or anything, but he is comically too young for me.

Agreed, sorry if that wasn't clear in my comment.

I didn’t know that, thanks. And yeah, I agree — if the artist’s intention was actually raising awareness of domestic abuse, a PSA from Kim about her experiences and how she got out of that situation would have 1,000x the power of photoshopping bruises onto her face without her consent.

Kim was, is the thing. Her first marriage, to a guy she married at 19, was abusive. I don’t know if she’s publicly gone into the grisly details but she really shouldn’t have to.

Yeah, I have a problem with this because, first, I don’t think it’s okay to use images of real women to make a hypothetical shocking point. Being famous does not mean your photo is up for grabs; I don’t see this as being all that much different from photoshopping the women into sexual situations for purposes of porn.

Ugh, my sympathy. I had a really bad cold when I was eight months pregnant with my son that turned into a cough that wouldn’t leave. I spent a lot of the last month of my pregnancy lying on the couch, coughing and (because I had no bladder control) peeing. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.