
I always assumed the ointment either tasted nasty or wasn’t meant to be eaten, or both. It never occurred to me that it might be a narcotic. The story gets more interesting knowing that.

Ugh, I don’t even watch porn and I thought they were a cute couple.

Exactly. I didn't know Kool-Aid was a racial stereotype until right now — I mainly associate it with kids — but it's such a bizarre question some bullshit must have been behind it.

Cruz is my fear, but fair points on the rest of it.

He’s Catholic, which to some people isn’t “real” Christian, and doesn’t totally hate immigrants, Democrats and working families. I’m not sure how well he’ll do with the Tea Party and Evangelicals.

We have several 24-hour news networks, hours devoted to the news every night on other networks, and literally thousands of blogs. All those places need content, and covering the election is easy for reporters and less depressing than “so, people in the middle east are still killing each other.”

I think it’s going to come down to Rubio v. Cruz, and they both have enough flaws that I’m not sure which way the race will tilt in the end. I personally think Cruz is an awful human being in general, but the Republicans I talk to seem to like him best of the serious candidates. On the other hand, Rubio has the

I learned something today. Thanks.

Fair point, thank you.

Huh, okay.

You replied to a couple of my comments — do you know this for a fact, or are you just speculating?

How is “stretching for mental health” ableist? I’m honestly not following you on that one.

... wow, that’s mindblowingly stupid. It sounds like the school just didn’t want to offer the class for whatever pragmatic reason (like, they wanted the space for something else, etc.) and was scrambling for an excuse.

Apparently the teacher offered to call it “stretching for mental health” and the school said “thanks but no thanks, we can’t come up with a french translation.”

This one hit close to home. I have a 4-year-old with developmental disabilities. He loves to climb and dance and is very physically active, but his challenges mean team sports aren’t happening for him. His preschool does yoga sometimes and he *loves* it. It’s one of the few things where he’s on something close to a

I feel like “Clover Hope” is the most beautytaineresque name a person could possibly have. You were literally born for this job.

See, to me it just looks like at some point somebody taught her how to catch herself gracefully if she falls. Which wouldn’t be the weirdest thing for somebody who was naturally clumsy and spent a lot of time walking in high heels in public to need to now.

I think a lot of non-Jez gossip sites have just gotten really mean, honestly — not just about JLaw, but about everydamnbody. Sometimes I click links in Dirtbags and scroll down to the comments and immediately wish I hadn’t because they make me hate humanity. ONTD and Celebitchy are about as bad as YouTube as far as

If you don’t see how parenting speaks to character, I can’t help you. It’s even more important when someone hasn’t done much else with their life — this is not, eg., a brilliant scientist who happened to be a shit parent.

Transitioning is an act of bravery,and I have an easier time understanding Caitlyn’s award if I see it as being for trans women as a whole than if I see it as being for her specifically as an individual.