
So, am I being the biggest jerk in the world for pretty much assuming he had a drug relapse and that’s where the time went? Because it seems to me like the story just doesn’t add up otherwise.

Why would they possibly publicize that? Like, I’m legitimately trying to figure out if there might be some law enforcement strategy at work or if Kelly actually thinks it matters whether the raped child “resisted” or not.

I like her music a lot but I’m kind of sick of the constant media coverage of every time she sneezes. I hope she does the Adele thing and takes a couple years off after the end of this tour.

Thanks! I have mixed feelings myself because right now they live an hour from me and they’re planning to retire more like six hours from me and I have their only grandkids, but it’s not really my choice. At least I’ll probably get a nice place to visit out of the deal.

That totally makes me think there’s something to all the rumors about him being gay.

Our lord Wiki says he got into it in 1990, so he was 27 or 28. I totally thought it was before that. (But he got famous for Risky Business at 20, so probably his 20s were pretty weird even without Scientology.)

Didn’t they recruit him in his early 20s? If he went from high school to Hollywood to Scientology, he might not have had much opportunity or reason to develop an adult emotional life.

Maybe she blocked everybody who used a certain hashtag, or everybody who followed a certain other user. I don’t know how that would work but I know blocking tools can be pretty dumb.

Their argument lost any possible sympathy I might have had by equating women in general to somebody pulling to put Herman’s Hermits or whoever on the pages. One of these things is not like the other.

My dad’s family had the same “curse” except it was 53. He had a heart attack at 40 — not lifestyle factors, just bum genes — so we all got worried for a couple years there.

Ha. Yep. Classic dirty politics.

Exactly. And then the link says it’s actually for hotels? And if what they’re asking for is a childproofed hotel suite, that’s actually pretty rational — it’s not like they stay at the Motel 6. They stay in places that are used to all kinds of special requests.

For me, the issue would be more that most performers don’t expect their kids to be in the tour venue with them. So I can see where venue operators would be eyerolly about that aspect, rightly or wrongly. You’re right that if you accept that bringing the kids to the venue with you is okay, basic childproofing isn’t too

Tin foil hat time, but I wonder if these are real BLM activists, or if Republicans are throwing money at people until they agree to pose as activists and interrupt Democratic candidates. They might even do it a little more subtly than that ... maybe just send in one trained agent to suggest to activists the idea of

Ha! But her theory’s probably more that eating penis candy = “eating” a real penis = gay gay gay gay gay. Because that’s how the homosexual conspiracy recruits, you know. Via candy.

Right, plus nothing says that when she puts 800 calories on a plate and photographs it, she has to eat all 800 calories. Probably she’s the type who would rather eat a smaller amount of something delicious than eight pounds of raw kale.

She’s with a nanny in the video, not Kim or Kanye. So the paparazzi are following around a two-year-old because of who her mommy and daddy are?

It’s the kind of thing where you would HAVE to laugh because the alternative would be having a total nervous breakdown.

Yeah, I know it’s popular but I hated it too. It glorifies suicide in a way that’s not good for anybody’s mental health. Basically it’s an “if I died everybody would be sorry” fantasy in novel form.

I mean, I assume this is fiction or at the least heavily fictionalized, but if you agree to go to Florida (the craziest state) with a stripper/sugar baby you just met you can kind of expect some weird shit is going to go down. Zola’s lucky she didn’t end up murderized and dumped in the woods somewhere.