
Also, we seem to have decided people who complain sound smarter and cooler than people who are excited. It is an extremely annoying trend and obviously it was in full swing in 2001.

It’s in his interest to look as straight as possible, it’s in Marilyn’s interest to play up his connections to more famous people as much as possible. I agree the truth is probably in the middle.

Would anybody really be surprised he’s bi, though? I thought he confirmed he’d had an affair with Marilyn a long time ago. Since he had an unplanned kid at about the same time, odds are he probably just likes pretty people and isn’t picky about gender.

I wonder if she was wearing it as a Halloween costume? She has to know it didn't fit.

Or, conversely, they are paid to look pretty and act, not to be our besties or have well-informed political opinions?

Well, but they shouldn’t really be in competition, any more than Cecily Strong and Kate McKinnon are in competition. Leslie and Sasheer do different things, and the show should be able to create spaces for them both to shine.

Don’t apologize! I never mind being called out when people are polite about it.

Oh god, so many reasons, and this isn’t the right forum for them. (Nor do I care to debate it, frankly, as it’s a hard conversation to have without people thinking I hate kids and feel bad for the poor little rapists.) But the short version would be that I don’t think it either helps rehabilitation or protects anybody

Then I think we agree perfectly — I was talking about it only in the scope of the Senior Salute. I agree it’s not going to make, say, some douche in public school in Montana think twice.

You’re right. I was trying to imply the sex offender registry aspect might also prevent things that were morally dubious but legally short of rape, but that’s not what came through.

Really? I don’t think it’s effective in the long run, but as far as discouraging the “senior salute,” it seems to me like it’ll be a cold shower on the whole fucked up tradition. But I may be overly optimistic.

I have my reservations about the sex offender registry in general, but this is a great use of it. It means that during the next Senior Salute, some guy might decide pressuring a 14-year-old into sex isn’t worth spending the rest of your life on a list of rapists and pedophiles.

How boring is Beyonce’s dad that the most scandalous gossip Dirtbag can pull out of his interview is that his daughter might be trimming a few years off her age?

My mom knows if you ask specifically, but in casual conversation she rounds a lot. I think it’s because if I’m a little younger, so is she :-).

I saw her at a reading a few years ago, before she had a regular column. She is utterly fantastic.

I like it too. Elsie’s unusual but on-trend right now, what with all the little Ellies and Elsas and the general trend to old lady names, and Otter is quirky but cute and works in the middle slot.

For a restaurant, I’d assume tortilla chips and that cheesey spinach thing. Salsa is SALSA, not dip!

No, my first thought was that this was wildly insulting to the Jewish faith and community, and the fact some Jews participated just shows that some Jews have shitty senses of humor.

I just ordered that sweater dress. Sweater dresses are the best.

I think we just disagree about most of this, but I do agree that it would have been a fantastic move for the conference to offer a free or low-cost daycare room for all attendees and conference workers. It would make things easier on mothers of young children but avoid the distraction factor of babies in the room.