
Same. I’m like “wait how did I miss that?”.

Yeah. Homestate pride, y’know?

This is a really good guess, and obviously I agree with you.

1. Not if it wasn’t explicitly discussed, she didn’t. I’d compare it to the wedding invitation thing — if your invitation is addressed to you rather than “SocialJusticeWarriorPrincess & Guest,” you don’t get to bring your sweetie without permission. Even if you know the couple getting married know you’re dating

Exactly. I agree that the childcare situation in this country is sad and we need better options for working-class women. I even agree that employers should be flexible about children in the workplace in emergency situations.

For me it comes down to one point: Did the author specifically ask whether she could bring the baby? If she did, then sentencing her to a breastfeeding room without warning is a jerk move on the part of the organizer, no question.

Eh, I probably would just out of curiosity. Elizabeth Hurley doesn’t seem like she puts up with scrubs.

She’s very much of the school where she doesn’t see a problem because she’s doing fine. And if you aren’t doing fine, that must mean you aren’t working as hard as she is.

I read a book about this church or a very similar one. The story is horrific enough, but what’s worse is the older children who suffer for years from treatable conditions because their parents think it’s God’s will.

That was the longest cip of him I’ve ever seen and the weirdest thing to me was that Khloe just, like, stood there and Kourtney and Scott were both totally okay with it. I don’t have sisters so maybe I just don’t ~get~ it, but is that really something human beings do?

You’re right, but in the 1940s a movie set in Rome would have been cast as white white white. I agree the Coens could have cast an actor of color or three and still made the movie they wanted to make, but in a perverse way putting an actor of color into the movie inside the movie would have been more historically

I assumed andsmokeit was trying to be funny?

Removed because sometimes I am dumb. Carry on.

You’re right. We wouldn’t want to offensively stereotype our undead brethren with an insensitive costume.

So are cow, pig and chicken costumes also insensitive? People kill gazillions of them.

I like him. Stewart was brilliant, but he seemed sort of worn down by the end (for obvious reasons) and Noah is fresher. And he’s very easy to watch in his own right.

Exactly. These are very pretty pictures and I don’t want to take anything away from Demi, who doesn’t seem to have had an easy life — but at the same time, a carefully posed, dimly lit, flawlessly tan photo shot by a professional photographer (who probably gave her camp photo approval to make absolutely certain she

Agreed. Back before people knew how crazy Scientology is, Nicole used to get a lot of criticism for “abandoning” her children. That must have hurt.

I just consider it further proof that the fact somebody records decent songs and looks hot in paparazzi photos doesn’t mean she knows anything.

She may not have been bright, but I have to give the “fish that swim” lady from Annie Overton’s story a couple points for a)grasping that shellfish and fish are not the same thing and b)being polite to the waiter while she worked out her order. Those two things put her streets ahead of most BCO customers.