
Someone down in the comments said she spoke about women’s rights issues at the UN? If that’s true, it makes it a little less random.

Okay, but the internet is not her English teacher or her dad’s cool best friend. The internet has no one’s best interest at heart. Any intelligent disagreement she gets is going to be mixed with a lot of namecalling and worse.

I dunno, excellent answer but it makes me a little sad. She’s a kid! She shouldn’t have to put her political opinions out there for the consideration of adult strangers! This time she got it “right,” but would it be okay to criticize her if she got it “wrong”? It feels like the internet makes it hard to be a teenager,

We used it a lot at first but then getting the gas refill canisters got to be a pain in the ass, plus the packaged soda flavors were so-so. But it’s fun.

I mean, Laura was 17. Caitlyn’s 64. You expect a different level of driving ability from somebody who’s been at it 50ish years than from somebody still in high school. I don’t think either of them belong in jail, but I don’t judge literal children by the same standards as adults.

“Profoundly intelligent”?

I’m not upset, just sort of ...old and befuddled, I guess? Like, I can’t tell if Kara genuinely dislikes Ed and his music; finds him overrated and a bit annoying and is trying to demonstrate why, but in the end cares less than this article would seem to indicate; or loves him and wrote this as her version of pulling


Exactly. I like Rosie O’Donnell only slightly more than Donald Trump does, but this must be terrifying for them and I’ve got nothing but sympathy.

I had no idea the tests were coming on the market right about when my mom got pregnant with me! Now I’m kind of madly curious if she did one, but that would be such a weird question to ask.

I always feel like there’s something wrong with adults who make fun of people’s height. That’s the one physical feature you have absolutely no control over.

The article says the pay is competitive but not exceptional, but the stock options are pretty good.

Well, of course they’re like that. Making sure people get their Dan Brown novels ASAP is literally THE MOST IMPORTANT work of our time.

Not for us but I don’t have an issue with other people having open relationships. I think calling it “cheating” if everybody knows is dumb, but whatever.

Word. If it was a woman there might be a mention in Dirtbag and that’d be IT. The fact he’s a guy and hot does’t mean it’s cool to write about this over and over again.

Nah, I think I just wasn’t phrasing myself very well. What I meant was “of course he covered up with his guitar, he’s not an exhibitionist.” This is one of those internet tone things, I think.

Well, there’s not freaking out about an accident, and then there’s showing off on purpose. He’s a chill guy, not an exhibitionist.

I’m sure this isn’t what you were going for but I just had a genuine giggle fit at the idea of a private viewing of Lenny Kravitz’s dong. Or any dong, really.

I get why Ryan feels offended — nobody wants to think they were cast just because they fill a particular box. But if AI wants a trans person to represent a growingly visible segment of society, and they also need it to be someone with some talent to make sure they make it a decent way into the competition, what are

So she’s a typical fucking Republican.