
Ah. Yeah, if the bathroom was that close and they were within a few yards of other humans, the parents shouldn't have changed the diaper right there.

It is only recently that everyone has decided that everyone else is obligated to deal with their shit. In this case, literally.

Were the tables close together? Because if they weren’t, I don’t have a big problem with picnic table changing as long as you clean up afterwards. Those things are covered in bugs and bird poo anyhow, may as well add a little human poo to the mix.

Wow, apparently I’m an inconsiderate human being because I always just threw the diapers in whatever trash can was closest. (Which, to be fair, was always either the bathroom trash or one of those big trash cans in a park, because I’m halfway civilized and don’t change diapers in public.) This feels like one of those

Exactly. Rehab for weed only sounds funny if you’ve never known anybody who actually had a problem with it. (I do ... no rehab yet, but it did wreck his marriage and he’s never had a job paying more than $10 an hour.)

She has Zooey eyes! (or Zooey has her eyes, fine, WHATEVER.)

Al B. Sure is eight years older than Rashida, so, um, ew on that story if he was going to the dance with her in any but the most purely platonic sense. (Yes, I looked this up on Wiki. I am not a stalker.)

Do you really have nothing better to do than call people names over dumb comments they made a year ago?

I like Taylor, but this is a time she should have kept her mouth shut. Yes, Nicki was jabbing at her, and yes, it was dumb — as Taylor pointed out, why not assume one of the guys “took” Nicki’s slot?. (Not to mention how ridiculous it is to assume anybody “deserves” an award slot after the umpty-bazillion examples

I think you’re right and BrightEyes is also right.

Yeah, was he holding it or did he have the camera rigged in some kind of tripod? I agree driving while filming is minus points, but the camera stays so still I wonder if maybe he wasn’t touching it.

I love the look on Lesia’s face at the end. She seems so totally in love with the baby. I don’t get why he didn’t pull over, but maybe there wasn’t a safe space to do it on that stretch of road?

To be fair he did talk her through it without panicking, which is pretty damn impressive under the circumstances. And I usually hate “we” talk about pregnancies and births as much as anybody.

It’s got a LOT going on, and that makes it a good place to read when you’re bored. There’s always something new and crazy, interesting, or funny to look at. They also have a lot of smart people without much tact posting, so bullshit tends to get called out pretty quickly.

Sad part is, actually I typed $12 but then I wondered if that was a crazy DC price and lowered it. Apparently I should have stuck with my first instinct.

I can see this being a TV movie — in fact I’m surprised it hasn’t been one yet — but a feature film? Really? I like the Obamas as much as anybody, but I can’t imagine who’s going to spend $8 to see this.

Because (*eyeroll*) the right-wing talking point is that PP counselors have quotas and get bonuses based on the number of abortions they “sell,” and this implies the group profits from abortions yet another way.

I watched a video of him and it made me feel so bad for the poor baby. He has very little mobility; I can only imagine how frustrating that is for a dog. I hope he’s able to have a decent quality of life as he gets older.

Fair point, yeah. In real life people who move before adolescence usually have the barest trace of an accent. I was just going for the only explanation I could think of on how people cold grow up together but have different accents.

I’m so glad that bugged somebody else. They should have played it with the same accent or else left the childhood friends thing out. I know it's possible Drew moved to England when she was a kid or whatever, but I don't want to have to think that hard to explain a trailer.