
I think it’s more likely they only had the one kid because they were more interested in their careers than parenting. (I mean, they clearly love Chelsea dearly, but one kid can be fit into an adult schedule in a way multiple kids cannot.) Also Hillary was past 30 when she was born, and from what my mom has said that

Probably she wants to stay out of it as much as is humanly possible: she has her own life going on and doesn’t want to talk about someone else’s rape, especially given it was almost 40 years ago and she may have been drunk or high herself. She might honestly not remember what happened clearly, or may have convinced

She is exactly the right age for “okay, it’s this year or my eggs will all convert to ashes and sand and all I will give birth to is TEARS.”

I’m on vacation and there’s one at the beach by our cabin! So if you want to find a pay phone, come to West Virginia and drive straight up a mountain.

I can’t believe I looked this up, but Mel Gibson’s youngest kid is six. So he’s totally picking up kindergarten tramps now.

The one I got before my son was born in 2011 was the same way. It turned out to be too bulky for long-term use, but I loved it with a newborn.

Absolutely it was a conscious decision. The guy basically took a few years off and only did Scorcese stuff when he came back — not what you do if you want to be a pin-up. I don’t think he rubs his face with gravel or eats only cheeseburgers now, but I also don’t think that’s far from the truth.

Or that somebody in the kitchen wouldn’t mix ketchup, horeseradish and lemon juice just so the dude would shut up. Cocktail sauce is not exactly the most complicated condiment of all time.

The sauce is ketchup with horseradish and lemon juice mixed in, and is really tasty. It’s just

My husband’s office has a holiday brunch buffet every year with free shrimp cocktail, the kind with giant shrimp?

Dude, all I was “claiming” is that the article was unclear as to what a secret wife was. I had to click twice to get the Daily Mail article explaining what I reported here. Really wasn't worth it.

To save somebody else the click: Apparently “secret wife” means he was married at 19 and divorced at 21 and doesn’t have this information, like, branded on his forehead for all to see.

I don’t think it’s arrogance. I think he knew she’d find them, and for whatever completely insane reason thought THAT was an appropriate way to call it quits with her.

Story 1: If someone comes in already screaming about wanting straws, just hand them a fucking fistful of fucking straws. She was clearly unhinged, why start a conversation like she’s a rational human being?

Anybody else find this game is a major battery drain? If I play for half an hour my iPhone’s going down.

Dude, I’m not in this to make people say words they don’t want to say. I personally can’t even listen to songs where the word’s in the lyrics a lot because it bugs me that much. (I will type it out when I absolutely have to use it, but that rarely happens.) But it’s one thing for you or I to say the word makes us

Honestly I feel like calling it the n-word is childish — what, like our brains will break if someone says the word while discussing why we shouldn’t say it? But I’m white so it’s not my decision to make. Obama, however, isn’t, and is also president, and should therefore say whatever the fuck he wants.

I thought she did other stuff but not IVF itself? But I don’t watch the show so my knowledge may be incomplete :-).

She had a 50 percent chance of being “lucky”, y’know. But if you want to believe she did IVF go on with that.

The only thing my parents ever stopped me from reading was a multiple personality disorder memoir that was basically wall-to-wall rape. They were totally cool with fictional incest.