
My grandmother, who existed on a steady diet of Marlboros, gin and trashy thrillers, let me take My Sweet Audrina from her box of rummage sale paperbacks when I was 11. I come by my morbid streak honestly.

Yep. Society has improved greatly since we quit pretending you can wear pantyhose during the summer in DC without actually sweating to death.

I need to step up my work from home game. Today i’m wearing a polo shirt and jeans like some tool.

Yeah, public radio listeners need to pull the sticks out of their asses. I didn’t hear the entire segment but from what I heard she did pretty well.

Look. It’s like this. If she was sexually abused during her childhood, or even if her parents were “just” garden-variety religious freaks, obviously she’s going to have issues. Likewise if her ex-husband was abusive, which her brother mentioned witnessing in his memoir and I’m inclined to believe.

You’re right that I should have used the word rape instead of molestation in talking about the allegations involving the younger girl. And yes, if her parents covered it up that’s despicable. Likewise if she actually was raped as well. (Which, again, she hasn’t said, and she’s not exactly shown herself to be the “keep

In case anyone was wondering, I read that AMA and I would totally have sex with Channing Tatum now.

She was an immigrant, right? I am praying they decide that disqualifies her, because otherwise ugggggh.

Truly and sincerely: What.

Except she doesn't say she was raped? I agree if he really did molest the younger girl that's far worse than creepy.

Oooh, good guess. Chronic pain/fatigue, chronic Lyme and celiac are invisible and can get tons of sympathy. She also already says she’s a cancer survivor — maybe it’s even true, but I wouldn’t bet the house on it.

Is there marginalized identity this woman won't claim? I think all that's left is disabled, but if she says she has BPD or PTSD that one is covered too.

She said he showed her (or, rather, an unnamed female child, but the Dolezals only had two children when this happened) photos of partially naked African women in National Geographic and talked about how hot they were, when Rachel and Joshua were both teenagers. I’d consider that more “creepy teenage brother” behavior

I had to watch the clip twice to even understand what was supposed to be offensive. Seriously, guys?

Did anybody else catch how she skirted the issue of whether she artificially darkens her skin? She says she doesn’t stay out of the sun (probably true) and that it’s not “blackface” in the offensive sense. (Debatable.) What she does not say is, “no, I don’t use dark makeup or other assistance to get my skin this

It seems to be a really common lie for people with this kind of attention-seeking personality issue to tell, too. On the other hand, she’s not saying she was seriously abused; she’s saying her brother was. The fact he’s going along with it suggests to me that at the very least the family has issues beyond Rachel being

This is now officially my favorite clusterfuck of a news story ever. The lady has balls.

Apparently it was some weird situation where they were both drunk/high and hit each other,but he had marks and that made her at fault legally? IDK, I’m just glad they’re out of that environment.

I’m glad Evan and Emma had a drama-free breakup because now he will no doubt realize his true destiny is to spirit me away and make sweet, sweet love.

Oh, dude, there’s a profile her university’s student newspaper did on her floating around. Not only did she have cervical cancer, but her parents whipped her with a slave whip and her ex-husband was abusive. She also got drugged and raped along the way. Her life story was a constant tale of drama and horror.