
This might be a dumb question, but did Kurt necessarily mean literally mentally challenged, or could he have have been using “retarded” in the slang sense? Not that it’s cool to call people who slept with you bad words, but if he was just using the term to express his contempt for her it wouldn’t be assault.

I adore a great amount of her music and find her deeply fascinating, but I also understand her to be periodically anti-woman enough in her history that it is troubling. None of us are perfect. But—and this is just a hunch—I’m pretty sureshe did not arrange for her husband to be murdered.

Huh. I have to admit, I totally thought Gaga was pregnant after seeing her Met Gala dress, but apparently not.

There’s a big huge gap between being a misogynist and creating something misogynist. (And I’m setting aside the question of Avengers specifically because I haven’t seen it yet.) Like, say your friend tells a joke that relies on a female stereotype — do you immediately write your friend off as a sexist ass, or (since

Yeah, they’re clearly at the point where they’re all stupid and punch-drunk. They should go home and take nice long naps until they’re ready to play nicely again.

“And here are three of my ex-boyfriends, Penn Badgely, Michael Fassbender and Ezra Miller. They too are stunning. Strange how that works.”

She got the ABSOLUTE BEST of both parents. It’s amazing.

This is my thought too. It’s a mom who likes treating her kid as a doll, and a kid who has the right disposition to enjoy it. I guess it’s sweet.

Oh, man, I know how that goes. My due date for my younger kid was a few days after their wedding. My hypothetical middle name for a girl was Kate for my grandmother, and I was terrified of using it and having people think it was for the shiny new princess.

Well, Diana wasn’t seen as a particularly traditional choice for nobles even back in 1961, was it? She was a third daughter, the Spencers only had a boy name picked out, and they said screw it and went with a trendier name then a family like that would normally use.

Yeah, this is why I really love her name. Charlotte works for Kate’s mum (Carole) and William’s dad both.

Yep. And Diana’s not a standard royal name. There aren’t 50 other Princess Dianas the way there are 50 other Princess Charlottes.

Nah, it’s totally a standard issue hipster grandma baby name. There’s one in my daughter’s school. It’s not super-popular, but that’s part of the appeal for some parents.

Yeah, we almost got one but then we read the internet and realized guinea pigs are WAY better pets. (They still poop, but they don’t bite.) Not Helen’s fault her pet is lame, though.

I have a seven-year-old whose favorite thing in the world is her guinea pigs (and who also cannot spell, bless her heart). This hits close enough to home to give me a disproportionate amount of sad.

It said I look 37, which will be true in September. But I’m not wearing makeup and today sucked, so probably on a good day I look a little younger.

Nooooo. Dammit I liked him SO MUCH but I think 9/11 truthers are either idiots or complete scum. What to do?

I would not want to be the human in charge of deciding at what exact age or stage of breast development spaghetti straps become “indecent” — can you imagine making a subjective judgement on that point in middle school?

I think for the pound of something question, the key would be density. A pound of iron broken up into teaspoon-sized chunks wouldn’t be pleasant, but it’d be over fast. Ditto a pound of marble. The trick would be picking something smooth enough ti sip through that you didn’t have to chew.

This is the point I really, REALLY do not get. As long as you want to get married for love rather than strategically, and you think men should only have one wife, and that everybody should be at least 21 — you aren’t that into biblical marriage to begin with. How can anyone say otherwise?